Chapter 22 : "green and jealousy"

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When you're with him,

do you call his name,

like you do when you're with me?

Does it feel the same?

- Secret Love Song : Little Mix ft. Jason Derulo

{Echo pov}

"Is it really what I want" I recalled Layla's words. Did I just want to see him as a friend, when he was trying so hard for us to be together. What if I do give in, will he be able to handle me leaving eventually?

I was at the hospital for my regular checkup and chemotherapy. Alison accompanied me this time.

"Bonjour, Patrice. How are you doing?"

Patrice was one of the patients I felt extremely comfortable with. She was like a motherly figure to me in Paris. She had stage 3 breast cancer, but she was doing her best to live. After her husband passed on, she said her relatives thought she wouldn't be able to make it anymore, but she wanted to prove them wrong. I loved her spirit, and her kindness.

"Bonjour, Echo. I'm good. I'm just done, doctor says it's all good. My friend is here to pick me up, I'll see you around, yes?"

"That's great, Patrice. Alright, yeah bye." I smiled warmly at her.

I entered the doctor's room, only to see the doctor shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, Miss Echo. It's not looking that great. I might have to put you on a stronger dosage. It's spreading internally."

I nodded, my tears brimming, agreeing to whatever the doctor was saying, while Alison kept rubbing my back to soothe me.

"Come on, baby, it's going to be okay. You're a strong woman, Echo. You look fine and beautiful on the outside, let's fight whatever's spreading on the inside together, alright?" Alison soothingly said.

I love her.

"Thanks Alison." I sniffled my tears, walking out of the room.

I didn't see Levi that day, he must be busy, he didn't call me like he said he would. We exchanged phone numbers the night he came over for dinner. I sighed, keeping my phone away, going to bed hoping I still had time left.

The next day was a school day, and it was the day Levi said he would pick me up to go see his office. I was packing up, and someone knocked on my door.

"Nick, hi!"

"Echo, I-I've been meaning to ask you if you're free for dinner today?"

"Today? I'm sorry I have somewhere to be."

His face fell, and I felt bad. Nick was...good, kind and sweet. I didn't want to lead him on, giving him the wrong intentions, he was a...friend. But like Levi said, I knew he wanted more. I could sense it too.

"How about I make it up to you tomorrow at Mr.Andre's?" I asked.

He smiled, "Yeah sure."

I walked out with him, casually chatting and laughing while talking about some of the episodes that happened in the classrooms, until I saw Levi leaning against his black car, hair styled back, dressed professionally in a black dress shirt, unbuttoned at the top, and grey slacks, his muscles bulging out, and he topped it with wearing sunglasses. I was literally drooling, as I stopped in my tracks.

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