Chapter 17 : "the little things"

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My god, it's been awhile

since the last time I saw you smile.

Sometimes life gets so crazy,

that we can forget, all the little things

we did back when we first met.

- Incredible : James TW

{Echo pov}

"Yeah, alright, Layla. Hmm. Okay, got it. Yeah yeah, don't worry. You worry too much, damn chill for a bit. Okay, okay, go. Talk to you soon!" I said bidding her goodbye while laughing at her worrying a little too much.

I was on the phone with Layla, and she said she was coming over to Paris next month. She's worried about the catering for the party she planned, and I told her I'll oversee it. I put the phone back into my handbag as I walked out from my apartment.

It's a Sunday morning, and I decided to head out to my favourite cafe to get my daily dose of caffeine. I was fortunate enough to meet some of the best people in the cafe. After staying in Paris for some time, I became a familiar face and they were the nicest of people.

 After staying in Paris for some time, I became a familiar face and they were the nicest of people

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"Bonjour, the usual, please." I said.

"Bonjour, Echo. Coming right up!" Mr. Andre said.

Mr. Andre was the cafe's owner. He spoke mostly in English with me, and he was like a father figure to me. The first few months when I came to Paris, I was like some sort of lost creature put into an entirely new environment. That's when I met Mr.Andre for the first time, he showed me directions to the places I was heading to and taught me better French, but he somewhat loved communicating with me in English after finding out I was an English teacher. He was definitely the sweetest 67 year old man, I've ever met.

As I was fumbling with my purse to take out the money for the coffee, I saw a hand reach out from behind me, placing some money on the counter. Mr.Andre looks at me, and I look up from the money to him. I slowly turned behind, wanting to thank the stranger for paying for my coffee, but what I saw, made me freeze. I literally felt my heart stop.

{Levi pov}

When I reached Paris, I was having major jet lag. I was at my penthouse, definitely not wanting to wake up, ever. Nevertheless, I pulled myself out of bed, knowing I had to take a look around the office before I officially start working. I decided to take a detour to her apartment, I know I might not be able to see her, considering it was the weekend, and it was still pretty early, but I guess I just wanted to see where she was staying for the past 6 years.

Her place was about a 15 minute walking distance from mine, which I'm so thankful for. I decided to walk, wanting to sightsee the surroundings as well. As I was reaching her apartment, I saw her. I saw her laughing while she was on a phone call. I didn't want to approach her just yet, so I just watched her. Call me a stalker, I don't care, but just watching her flipped a switch in my heart.

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