chapter 15 : "i'll find you"

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There's a room in my heart,

with the memories we made.

Took em' down but

they're still in their frames.

There's no way I could ever forget.

For as long as I live and

as long as I love,

I will never not think about you.

- Never Not : Lauv

{Levi pov}

It was prom night, the last day we'd see all of our school friends. Sierra was wearing a tight black sequin dress and I was in a tuxedo. I don't know why I started comparing the dress to what Echo wore the other night at Sierra's birthday party. Why did I think Echo looked better in it? God, I have a girlfriend, I shouldn't be doing this.

The music was loud, and everyone was either dancing or just hanging around. Sierra put her hand in the crook of my arm, holding me possessively. Halfway through the night, I saw a familiar curly black-haired girl walking towards me. I furrowed my eyebrows remembering Layla was with Echo. If she's here, Echo must be too, I thought.

"Levi," she pulled me aside.

"Layla, hey. Where's Echo?" I asked, looking around for her.

"She's leaving to Paris. She's at the airport right now. She wanted me to give you this." Layla said, as she passed me a letter. The letter.

I took it from her and quickly opened it. I read it once, twice and I ran out of the place. I took out my phone and immediately dialled her number. She picked up after four rings.

"Hello?" She said. How could she sound so sweet and act so indifferent to the situation now, damn this girl.

"Echo! Fuck, where are you? I'm going to the airport. Echo! Don't you dare hang up, I swear, I can't believe you're doing this to me." I said, trying to get a taxi to get to the airport. I calmed down a little when I was in the taxi.

"Echo?" I said, hoping she didn't hang up.

"Levi. Don't come to the airport, I'm boarding soon. D-did you read the letter?" She asked. Was she really worried about the letter? Oh God, this girl never gets her priorities straight.

"I don't care about the letter, Echo. Look, we can fix this, we can still be friends, nothing will change. You didn't tell me you were leaving, Echo, how could you?" I asked, wondering why she hid it from me.

"I didn't mean not to tell you, Levi. I just didn't want to see you in person after you read the letter, I don't think I could handle that." She said.

She thought I would leave her because of the letter. She thought I'd be mad at her.

"You think I'm mad because of the letter? Fuck no, Echo. I-I want to see you please." I pleaded desperately. I wanted to see her, no, I needed to see her.

"I'm sorry, Levi. I really am." I heard her say. What exactly is she apologising for, she should be sorry for not telling me, she was freaking leaving.

I heard some muffled voices over the speaker, it sounded like her mom telling her to get up.

"Levi, I-I got to go. You deserve the world, I'm sorry I can't be the one to give it to you, but I just want you to be happy, alright." She said.

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