Chapter 24 : "white tulips"

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There will be times when your heart will forget,

I'll say it over and over again,

so you know for sure,

darlin' I love you more.

- ilym: John K ft. ROSIE

\ white tulips ~ new beginnings \

{Echo pov}

"Those look beautiful! Who are they from?" My nosy student, Bella asked, pointing at the white tulips on my table

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"Those look beautiful! Who are they from?" My nosy student, Bella asked, pointing at the white tulips on my table.

"Hmm, I don't know. Why are you here, Bella?" I asked teasingly, knowing she'd probably come to torment me with her endless questions.

Bella was one of the students whom I got really close to, when I first arrived, I wasn't exactly the best at speaking French, and the students had an inside joke about my accent. To say, it didn't upset me would be lie, but Bella made sure to make me feel accepted, and now that that's all resolved, she's still one of my favourite students'.

"What do you mean, Ms.Echo? I literally just saw an extremely handsome greek god come in here just now while I was waiting for you. I saw him put those tulips there, and he smiled at me when he left." She explained.

I rolled my eyes when she said he was a greek god, okay maybe I agree, but why did he leave these beautiful white tulips?

"Alright, out you go if you have nothing important to say." I shooed her.

"Ms.Echo, ugh who is he? He's so...dreamy." She said, dreamily mentioning him.

"A friend." I told her.

"Add a boy to the friend, and what does that become?" She asked playfully.

"Hmm, I wonder what does that become. Go, don't you have class in..." I replied, looking at my watch amusingly, "less than 5 minutes. Off you go, Bella"

"See ya, Ms.Echo." Finally I breathed a sigh of relief before closing the door and sat at my desk, holding the tulips in my hands. White. I saw a card peeking from the bouquet, it read,

" To my sweetheart,

White symbolises new beginnings.

It will never be too late or too early

to start loving you,

I promise I will wait for you

till' the end of time.

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