Chapter 1

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10th of May

It was a day like any other when Roxanne's Parents came running into her room with a letter in her hand. Both were smiling from ear to ear as they handed her the letter. Confused about what exactly was happening she took the piece of Paper and started reading:

"Dear miss Davis,

We are happy to inform you that your application for "the School of the Golden Children" has been accepted. You will be picked up by a driver on the 12th of May to start your journey to a better life. With this letter we have sent you a list, so you will know what exactly to bring with you as well as a list of the school rules and items that are strictly forbidden on school grounds. We hope you are as happy as we are to get to welcome you into our great halls.


The School of the Golden Children"

It was dead silent in the room as Roxanne stared at the letter. It was every Kids dream to go to that school. But she never thought she would be let in. That was one of the reasons she never applied. But now that it was happening, she didn't know how to feel. Especially with her father as sick as he was. She looked up at him and her mother. Finally, after what seemed like ages Mr. Davis broke the silence: "Isn't this exiting Roxy? You're going to be one of the golden children."

When she didn't answer right away her mother spoke up "sweety this is a good thing. A really good thing. With you in that school we might be able to get the help your father needs to get better." Her mind was racing. She was terrified. What if she wasn't good enough? What if something happens to her parents while she was gone? Would she even be allowed home if that happened? Would anyone even tell her? But her parents were so excited for her. So even thou she had doubts she put on a smile. She stood up and hugged her parents tightly before she checked the letter again. This is when she realized that the date they were going to pick her up was the 12th of May. Not only was that in 2 days but also- "they will be here on my birthday..." Her father took her hand and squeezed it tightly. "That was the only way to get you in. You have to be 17 to get into that school. And they wanted you as soon as possible or not at all." A sigh escaped Roxy's lips before she checked the list that told her what to bring. "well, I should start packing then shouldn't I?". Her Parents nodded bevor they left her room.

As Roxanne started packing stuff like her clothes and toiletries she glanced at the list of rules when a certain sentence stood out to her. "Every and all rule breaking will have serious consequences and will lead to your degradation to the "Misfits" Side of the school". It sounded odd sure but maybe they just mean a certain house. Its not like the "Misfits" or whatever they called them would have a different education or something odd like that. Right? She shook her head slightly. This was not something to worry about. She had to finish packing and read the rest of the rules. If she just followed the rules, she wouldn't even have to worry about any of that anyway.

So that's what she did. She packed her clothes, a book, shampoo and bodywash and everything else on the list. The last thing she packed was her sketchbook and her drawing pencils. Something like that wasn't on the list but it should be fine. Right? It was only a sketchbook after all. She closed her suitcases and sat down on her bed with the rules on her hand. As soon as she was comfortable, she started reading the rules:

"Here we have listed the rules of our school. It is in your best interest to follow these rules without question and to a T. Every and all rule breaking will have serios consequences and will lead to your degradation to the "Misfits" Side of the school. Some of these rules might seem excessive or even pointless in your eyes, but we assure you they are there for a specific reason.

1. Boys and Girls shall keep their contact to the other sex to a minimum. There are exceptions to this rule. For example, if a teacher allows it or asks you to convert with the other sex for school purposes

2. It is expected that the students are at breakfast between 6: 30 and 7am during school days and between 7:30 and 8:30 am during the weekend and holidays

3. All students have to be in their rooms at 8pm and asleep at 10pm. If they were on an outing, they have to be on school grounds for dinner at 6pm.

4. The cafeteria is open all they so the students can get lunch whenever they want. It is also allowed to take some lunch with you and eat it outside in the park of the school.

5. Sex, Drugs, Alcohol are completely forbidden on school grounds. You are also not allowed do indulge in any of these things outside of the school property while you are a student at our school

6. No weapons are allowed unless a teacher has given you permission to carry and or wield such weapon. This includes any and all firearms, blades, missiles, flamethrowers, rockets, torpedoes, martial arts weapons, and so on

7. No violence towards students or teachers. Even if you feel threatened in any way call for help and run.

8. If a teacher gives an order you shall execute it with little to now questions. If you feel a teacher has given you an order that is unprofessional, makes you uncomfortable, or breaks any of the previous rules you file a report to the principal immediately.

9. Don't wander the school property without permission from a teacher.

10. All blocked of areas are blocked of for a reason and you shall not attempt to get into these places unless you have the permission of a teacher.

Because the school grounds are very big you will be brought and picked up from every an all classes for the first week. After that if you get lost, look for a teacher or another student to help you find your way back to where you were supposed to be. Do not try to find it yourself as to not disturb other lessons.

Once more I want to stress the importance of these rules and advise you to follow them. You will have a grace period of 2 and a half weeks where we will be a bit more lenient for miss steps. After this grace period you will not be given more than 2 strikes. Depending on the severity of the rule you broke it is possible that you will be given 2 strikes at the first broken rule."

After Roxanne finished reading everything, she was a little less nervous. The rules were oddly specific but not to hard to remember. When she checked the time, it was already 10 pm. Quickly, Roxy grabbed a towel and showered before going to sleep.

Sooo fist chapter done.

The first (hopefully just) two chapters are supposed to let you meet the characters. So, if they seem boring or long or anything like that its probably because nothing is really happening besides leading up to when it actually starts to become more interesting. (I promise it will.) If you see any grammatical or spelling errors, please point them out to me.

I hope you enjoyed and will continue reading.

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