Chapter One: Tail's End

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"With this hand as my
sword and your words
as my fuel, I will conquer
every crevices in this
forsaken place for you to
have a peaceful life."


Perhaps it was the humidity in Tail or the wrenching heat of the blazing sun that prompted her from taking off her cloak. Although the cave provided her enough shade, the sun was unforgiving.

That or because of the individual sitting beside her. Nevertheless, her body was burning and she was tempted to remove her garments. The shaven part of her head itched. She was uncomfortable to say the least and for whatever reason, she did not know. Or rather, ignored the entertainment of her own desires.


She flicked her eyes towards the Guardian as she called for her, concern palpable in her caliginous irises.

"You okay? You look dazed." Raya emitted, reaching out.

She noticed the rosy tint on her companion's cheeks, the unguarded form, her hair which grew longer, and the emotion that swirled in her brown pools. It was so raw that it made her feel something.

Namaari sucked a breath. If it was not for Nala who was beside her, she nearly toppled. The princess of Heart tried to mask her dismay and halted her hand midway, placing back on her lap.

"So, do you think Sisu will be here anytime soon?" Raya cleared her throat, in hopes of morphing the tension into a more dulcet encounter.

Namaari, unknowingly, was seething in her thoughts, internally yelling for her actions. It was unbearable to see Raya looking so glum, especially because of her.

It had been a year or so since the Druun's extinction. A year since the stoned breathes again, a year since repairing the broken Kingdoms, and reuniting Kumandra. It was a daunting task and all those times, the transaction between five lands for reformation and liaison, required effort and time. The first three months were hectic as it was, everyone was still reluctant for bringing Kumandra once again after 500 years. People just cannot pardon and neglect years of resentment and catastrophies. It took more convincing and trust.


That was the beginning and the solution for everything. She couldn't escape the guilt, the burden weighing on her shoulders, and the constant reminder of her actions. She could still feel the lingering touches of the phantoms that haunts her in her nightmares, mocking her. Albeit everyone seemed to forgive her and for the damage her land caused, she still couldn't fully trust herself not to do it again.

A dog that bites once will eventually bite again. It was a neverending process.

She hurt Raya. Caused her anguish for six years and made her deprive from the affections of her Ba. She broke Raya's trust, more than once and that was something she would carry with her forever.

For months, Fang mostly provided for assistance. Chief Virana had instructed her imperial army to help in any way possible. It was an act of accepting their sins and making way for repairing their slipups.

"It's Sisu. She's probably taking her time on the graveyard—fields." Namaari corrected and answered after some time and offered a smile to appease hers and Raya's discomfort.

The two had uniquely developed a connection over the time. They value each other's company, cherish the small moments they share, and oftentimes, venture on their profound feelings. They were unaware of course, mistaken their desires for kinship. Both parties were inexperienced and know too little.

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