Chapter Four: Remnants

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"This body is a canvass,
waiting for you to paint
your desires with your
sweet kisses, soft touch,
and gentle caress."


Drowsiness began to cloud the fibers of her senses. Stretching her sore limbs, she lets out an audible yawn. It did not go unnoticed, however, as Sisu, in her human form, entered the room.

They were still in Tail. They took shelter in a quaint but small inn near the city. It's nearly midday and the sky is a vast color of blue with the sun high and mighty.

"Raya, you've been up for hours.
Rest. She'll be fine." She frowned, worried.

Raya spared a small smile as her primordial friend sauntered and took the empty space beside her.

"No, it's fine. I'll watch her until she wakes up." She insisted as the last word ended in a whisper.

Raya has been in the battlefield for who knows how long and fought opponents much larger than her. There are moments of victory and a good amount of lurching defeat. Ideally, the latter brings her the most displeasure. The stench and sight of the coppery fluid and the banality of war cries, she once lived in that brutal demesne.

She still thinks she does.

It was an endless seam. Clashing of blades, dominance, inflicting of flesh, and drawing out blood. She learned it the hard way and spending her several years alone in this mine of a world, she mastered the art of dealing it as a prosaic pattern.

Yet, after last night's incident, she falters. Raya wonders if she was ever habituated to the harsh reality of risking one's life.

The Fang warrior's steady breathing somehow soothes her bubbling paranoia. The contours of Namaari's face relaxed, her charcoal strands of hair brushed at the side of her face, and arms freed from the confines of her accessories.

She preferred seeing this sight of her friend, relaxed and out of harms way. She was glad the monster died before Raya could get her hands on it herself, it would've died a gruesome death.

"Do you have any leads?" She asks after a minute.

Sisu clasped her hands together and stared at her feet, almost ashamed. "We're working on that. We've never seen other creatures spewing out fire other than dragons."

Raya's look hardened as Sisu continues.

"This is entirely new. A mindless entity with no trace of origin, shooting fireballs out if its mouth, and bulked out of nowhere."

"Plus, we don't exactly know the side effects catalyzed by those monsters." Raya added and her eyes travelled to Namaari's sleeping form.

The princess combed her hair out of vexation— troubled and confused.

"This screams Druun all over again."

Sisu placed her hand on Raya's shoulder, her clutch assuring.

"Hey, don't worry. Everything's going to be fine. Come on, who's your dragon?"

Raya simpered. Sisu catechized the similar question a year ago. Formerly, she seized those words with faith and look where it led her. Conquering her inner monsters and entrusted the piece of gem to her former enemy, now friend.

"You're the dragon. You're right, we'll figure this out."

Sisu grinned. "That's the spirit!"

They settled in a comforting silence and Raya's eyes swiveled to Namaari's form once again. Her wounds were patched up neatly in clean bandage and cloth. It'll take a hard time for her to walk properly due to her right leg as well. The injury was deep enough that it nearly penetrated her bone.

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