I'm not dead

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Omg, hiii. 😗

Soooo, I realized that it was a dick move that I suddenly 'disappeared' for like two-three months and haven't updated this book in, like, since forever.

That's on me.

BUT I'M BACK NOW SO THAT MAKES UP FOR IT, RIGHT?! *hopeful glimmer in le eyes*

Anyway, one of the many reasons why I've been inactive for some time was because of school and some other personal stuff I had to deal with.

College is no joke, kids. Student loans are a pain in the neck. And back. Definitely back.

Also, one of the things I noticed was the pacing of this book. But meh, I'll get back to editing once I finish this book. I am adamant that I will finish Fang's Heart by this year bc I got tons of stories to post next year.

Fanfictions? Yes. About Marvel? Disney? Hmmm, let's see.

I'm planning on releasing on my original stories for quite some time now so, I hope you'll be there to support me.

To elevate some of y'all worries, I'm already working on two of the chapters that I will be sure to update on the fourth week of September.

To elevate some of y'all worries, I'm already working on two of the chapters that I will be sure to update on the fourth week of September

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Because our exams will be next week so I'll get MAJORLY busy.

Ignore how I just spoiled the titles, mmkay?

But, yeah, ig that's it. I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm not dead (least not on the outside tho ha ha) and pretty much alive. I apologize for the sudden inactivity.

Updates will be posted regularly starting next month, babes. Miss y'all!


Also, enjoy this cute pic I saw on Pinterest. I couldn't find the artist but if you know who made them, be sure to correct me, lads.

See you soon! Xx

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See you soon! Xx

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