Chapter Eleven: Art of Enchantment

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"In my heart,
there was a
kind of fighting
that would not
let me sleep."



"Please, pray tell, what your business is in Fang at this early hour?" Namaari blanches and pinches the bridge of her nose in reputed exasperation.

The sun is yet to rise and so did Namaari's patience. Her deprivation of a good sleep did not ease her firm frustration in any way. She had deliberately resolved to take her usual morning patrol around, opting to have a brief recess before the Kingdom turns to a robust and buzzing factory. Unfortunately, for her, a stranger settled to grace her presence.

One she did not find amusing, at all.

"Good morning to you, too, Sinta."

Howbeit, the glower her eyes sent were that of a Panther in alert, the woman in front of her was tenacious. How dare this female frolic into their borders and call her with such impropriety after she slapped her two nights ago? This lady was a trespasser! As if it was not enough seeing her face in her dreams, the devil herself just had to be here at the break of dawn.

"Your mother sent me a letter." The figure supplies simply, answering her first query.

"She would consult me if she requested of you."

The woman hums. "You'll decline if you were involved."

Namaari opened her mouth but rolls her eyes.

"Fair point. Why did you come here at this hour? Are you well aware of the lurking troubles outside our borders? You are being imprudent and that is no way how a princess should act."

Her companion cocks one fine brow in mild marvel.

"Worried of me, Sinta? Should've said sooner," she retorts instead, completely disregarding the stingy tone.

"Stop calling me that."

Raya glances her way, smirking. She inches closer to the Fang heir, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Namaari stood her ground, body tense.

"I'd call you whatever I want. Do you want me to try?"

"Not even a speck."

Raya beams like the sun at her answer and advances, Namaari grimaced and took a step back.

"Don't even think about it." She warns steadily.

"You're normally not this touchy during mornings," the Heart princess comments. "Woke up at the wrong side of the bed?"

"What do I normally do during mornings, then?" She challenged.

Raya laughs darkly, gazing at Namaari through hooded eyes.

"Oh, I think you know."

Namaari groans, finding every passing second unbearable. She scarcely received a shuteye for the entirety of the night. Her dreams were haunting her, engulfing and mindlessly clawing her down until she woke up gasping. Faces. Places. Words. She could evidently grasped them in her hands but could not remember them after. Namaari was not the one to dream as often as she did now. But ever since she woke up days ago, she had visions. Fragments of memories she did not recognized. To the extent that it made her feel afraid.

Raya notices the dark circles under her lover's eyes and she purses her lips in concern.

"Namaari," she calls softly. "What is happening to you?"

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