Chapter Seven: Genesis

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"It was the start
of Hades' wrath.
A curse, a plague.
There is no cure,
only demise."


She omits to recall the last time she felt this comfortable. Like a leaf that has fallen to a stream, she cedes to the consoling embrace of caprice. As her Ba lightly puts, "Come what may."

Raya stirs awake, fluttering her eyes open as the streaks of the rising sun scatters inside the room. Shivering slightly as the morning air chips on her exposed skin, she stifles a yawn and slowly stretches her limbs. The euphoria of last night's predicament clutches to her yet-to-awaken mind.

By then, she gasps. An enraptured anamnesis flares on the insides of her eyelids, playing like a skipping film reel. That's when she registers the steady breath of Namaari fanning the nape of her neck, and her outstretched arm that snaked her torso and hips.

Her heartbeat skips as her cheeks flood a heavy red, her skin crawling in apparent delight.

"Oh, my Dragon." She hisses, her hands shielding her face.

'We did it. We kissed. We actually did it.' The Guardian bellows in her head.

To validate her uncertainty, she pinches her arm. She winces but does it again. Twice and then, thrice.

The part where she nipped her skin turned bright red and she exhales heavily, realizing that that wasn't the only area of her skin with littered marks, she could feel the lingering caress of Namaari on her neck and shoulders.

She bites her bottom lip.

"You know, if you keep on pulling that adorable face I just might consider doing a second round."

Raya felt her soul leave her vessel, and she peeks over her shoulder to see the Princess of Fang gazing at her with profound amusement-- hair still unkempt but Raya admits it looks good. Too good. She had her hand on her cheek, using her arm to ascend herself-- or simply to have a good look at her partner.

"Hi. How long were you up?" Raya provides weakly, turning to fully face her, a blush painted on her cheeks.

She was unsure of her actions, whether Namaari would approve of it or not. But considering they both had a swooning release last night, Namaari is fully pleased anything Raya does.

Namaari bubbles up a small laugh and pressed her lips on the bridge of her nose, then pulls away.

"Good morning to you, too." She grins as Raya, unable to control her emotions, buries her face on the pillow, the tips of her ears crimsoned.

'Ah, red suits her well.' Namaari muses lightly, beaming. If her mornings were like these every single day in Fang, she'd be tempted to dedicate her whole career to freeze this moment alone.

"And, I've been awake enough to see you talking to yourself." She answers her question, pulling the shorter female close.

Raya quivers, inhaling her scent.


Namaari settles and takes Raya's hand in hers. Clasping their fingers together. She watches, fixated.

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