Chapter 13

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Her heart. It was pounding furiously. And it wasn't the fact that he startled her, it was the expression on his too beautiful face. Anger mixed with seriousness called for a conversation Sakura wasn't ready to have. What was his problem anyway?

"I-" The words wouldn't come out.

Sakura noticed the way his hands balled into tight fists.

"Never," He began, his tone cut daggers into the air around them, "Go back to South Avenue."

Now she could hear her heart beat in her ears.

"What is it?" Sakura asked, her voice curious.

He was silent, so she continued, "South Avenue. What is it to you?"

Sasuke's composure changed completely. He seemed antsy, almost twitching. Sakura couldn't hold back her fear, and she took a step back, her facial expression held confusion and fright.

"Don't," He began, his voice barely softened, "Don't back away."

He took a step, and Sakura gulped.

"Y-you're crazy." The pinkette's voice was shaky.

"No, I'm not." He took another step forward. And then another.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Tell me. What connection do you have with South Avenue?"

He glared so darkly at her, it made her wince. Sasuke took another step towards her, and she immedietly moved backwards, hitting the wall. He stopped right in front of her, towering over her.

She stared at him, and said, "I deserve an explanation. Tell me about South Avenue."

"I don't owe you anything!" He shouted, and she yelped and squeezed her eyes shut. The volume and menace of his voice scared her to death. Sakura felt the tears beginning to form.

Keeping her eyes shut, she still managed to say, "You're lonely. You're scared. You're troubled. I understand that, okay?"

Sakura felt his calloused hand slowly wrap around her neck, but he didn't add any pressure. Sasuke felt her smooth skin, and stared at her, hate still within his eyes. For a moment, he became lost, staring at her face. The Uchiha was aware of how beautiful she is. He couldn't help but drop his eyes, and scan her body. He hasn't taken a good look at her full figure, until now. Keeping his hand on her neck, he thought about her eyes, and what a difference her forest, green eyes would make. She would be a thousand times more attractive, but Sakura's eyes were shut. Sasuke felt her fear. Something about Sakura being afraid of him didn't sit right with him.

His hand unwrapped from her neck, and his fingers trailed up to her face, and he cupped her cheek, waiting for her to open her eyes. Sakura's breathing became heavier, and he almost forgot that she was scared.

For some reason, his mood changed completely. He pushed the thought of South Avenue aside. The pinkette's eyes opened hesitantly. When her eyes were fully visible, she stared at him in awe. She was confused. She also took the time to stare at him. Sakura could even admit he was the most handsomest man she had ever seen. And sometimes she wished he wasn't a criminal.

That was when realization hit her. What was she doing? This wasn't right. He is cupping her cheek, a romantic gesture that no one has ever used on her. And it was with him, a criminal. He is a criminal she is in charge of catching. And there he was, standing there, staring at her like he was in love with her. But she knew that wasn't true.

Sakura grabbed his hand, and removed it from her cheek slowly. She looked away from him, not wanting to meet his gaze.

The pinkette let go of his hand, and said, "I think you should go."

Sakura put her hands on his chest, and pushed him away gently. She walked back to her room, regretting telling him to leave. Sakura almost felt bad for him, because he seemed troubled, and maybe she was the reason he may have forgotten about South Avenue.

A hand grabbed her wrist, and spun her around, and she yelped. It was dark in her room, and the light from the kitchen didn't make a difference. All of a sudden, he snaked an arm around her waist, and pulled her to him, and she realized Sasuke's face was inches from hers. She could feel his warm breath on her face, and it made her heart race.

Sasuke knew he was intimidating to Sakura. He knew from the start. But he liked that. It showed he had a sort of dominance over her. And he would use that to his advantage. The Uchiha never thought about killing her ever. He just wanted to mess with her, so that way he wouldn't be caught. Even if Sakura and him didn't meet, Sasuke knew he would still get away with everything, yet he wanted to be around her. He didn't understand why, but he liked making her angry. He liked the look on her face when she talked to him. Sakura was always so serious when it came to him. Sasuke knew she contemplated about him, and that made him almost amused.

And that was when he realized he liked her.

Sakura widened her eyes when she realized the space between them was no more. His lips moved so fast on hers, and she gasped. She put her hands on his chest, wanting to push him away, but she couldn't bring herself to do so.

His tounge slipped into her mouth, wanting her to respond. And she did. Sakura grabbed the back of his head, lacing her fingers through his silky raven locks. He smirked, knowing he won her. She was so easy.

Knowing they had to breathe, they broke apart, panting for breathes. Their break didn't last long, because Sasuke kissed her more gently this time. He leaned onto her, making her fall back on her bed, and he took off his shirt while still locking lips.

"Wait, wait," Sakura said in between breaths, "I don't want to move too fast."

Sasuke knew what she meant, and he nodded.

She continued, "You and I both know we can't be doing this."

"That didn't seem to stop you." Sasuke retorted coldly.

He got up, and put his shirt back on, while Sakura still laid on her bed.

"You and I both know," He started, "You have feelings for me."

Sakura didn't say anything, because he was right. Otherwise, she wouldn't have kissed him like she did.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Sasuke said, as he walked out of her room.


Hope you enjoyed!

Ta Ta ;D


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