Chapter 29

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"Be safe. . ."

That stare he would give me held a hint of worry every time he said those words to me. I never thought much of it, but now I can see it. All of the images of him are spiraling through my mind and I don't understand why.

"How do you think she'll feel about the Uchiha?"

"Ecstatic, I hope."


What is this?

"We'll get ramen to celebrate when she wakes up."

Naruto? What's happening?

'The Uchiha?' Sasuke. . .

Sasuke. . .

No. . .

Suddenly that cautious expression he gave me popped back into my mind. That low mumble of an 'I love you' clicked in my brain immediately. Then the feeling of sorrow that invaded my every emotion when he left made my heart skip a bit in a negative manner.

It was then that Sakura's eyes opened, only to be faced with a white ceiling. She questioned where she was in her mind, until a knuckle-head of a sun-kissed blonde's face appeared in her vision. He gave her a wide smile, revealing his teeth and closing his eyes in happiness.

"You're awake!" He exclaimed happily.

She slowly sat up and looked around the room. Kakashi, Sai, Shikamaru, and Naruto were there, their expressions showing relief from her waking up.

"How-" She stopped once she heard her voice, which was very raspy. Kakashi immediately gave her a glass of water, which she chugged.

The Hatake placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "You've been out for three days. Apparently you had a poison in your system that would've killed you if it wasn't extracted."

She placed her hand on the area where the needle struck her neck and sighed, "I remember. Sasori gave it to me with no warning."

"Well," Naruto sat on the side of Sakura's bed and smiled at her, "Sasori is officially dead. He was stabbed in the back of the head with some sort of knife."

Sai stepped into the conversation, "It's quite strange. Sasuke Uchiha used his katana on Deidara and Itachi, yet Sasori died from a knife. We assume that he was killed by Itachi, whom had weaponry skills with knives."

The Haruno lowered her head and tightened her grip on the rim of her sheets. She bit her lip for a second, before asking, "A-And Sasuke Uchiha. . . What happened to him?" She tried her best not to sound too anxious, for the chances of suspicion were not quite over yet.

Kakashi looked at her and replied, "We got him. Despite all of the resistance of getting arrested and the successful attempts of escape in the past, he did not restrain whatsoever."

"He achieved his goal, what would have been the point of going on the run for the rest of his life anyway?" The sun-kissed blonde thought aloud.

The Hatake man continued, "He went through trial yesterday."

Sakura's head whipped up immediately and she asked, "And?"

A smirk crossed Naruto's features, "He's getting a death sentence in two days."

Just then, Sakura's heart literally skipped a beat. Like Naruto said, Sasuke didn't resist arrest and she couldn't understand why. His arrest was one thing to mourn over, but his death. . . It emotionally killed her just thinking about it.

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