Chapter 15

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This was her chance. If Sasuke was willing to tell her everything, this could be the best way to test him and his candor. Sakura really doesn't expect too much out of him, but enough to trust his word. The pinkette already knows his past from what Naruto said, so he can't lie to her.

She furrowed her eyes, "You'll tell me about South Avenue?"

Sakura noted how his jaw tightened, but she couldn't blame him. It was obviously a touchy topic.

Staring blankly at her, he responded, "Give me time."

"Now, Sasuke." She snapped.

He sighed shakily, and walked a little ways from her. Sasuke put his face in his hands, and Sakura began to feel pity. She should say something, but she won't, because she doesn't want it to be obvious that she knows.

"D-Do you want something to eat?" The pinkette asked.

He didn't say anything, and she pulled out a chair for him, and grabbed two plates from the top cupboard. Setting a few strips of chicken breast and potatoes on each plate, Sakura heard the squeak of the chair, and a smile tugged at her lips.

"Water?" She asked.

Still no answer, but she still poured two cups of water. Slowly and cautiously, the pinkette set the plate and water in front of him, and grabbed him a fork. She did the same with her own meal. Once she sat down, he began eating. Sasuke was eating the food too fast for her liking, and she squinted at him.

"Have you been eating the food I've already given you?"

He put the last of the food in his mouth, chewed, and swallowed, "No."

"Why not?" Sakura was a bit shocked.

"You didn't owe me anything." He replied blankly.

"Okay, but I also spent half my earnings."

Sasuke shrugged, and she knew it was time.

"Talk." The pinkette tried to say as nicely as possible.


He could see it. All of it. The blood splattered across walls and on the patterned sidewalks. The residents draped across fences and ledges in their desperate attempts to escape the terror in front of them. That eerie silence on that solemn night, that Sasuke would never forget.

Sasuke's eye twitched as he remembered that night. Images popping inside his head, making him want to scream. And then came the vivid picture of his beloved parents on top of each other, their own blood mixing into one. The moonlight perfectly illuminating their corpses. Someone he looked up to, admired, standing over his parents, their parents, not even batting an eye at the sight in front of him.

Sakura examined Sasuke's actions. He was sweating, twitching and wincing, and jittery. She's never seen him so out of it. She immedietly started to feel guilty for doing this, testing him by wanting him to tell her his past, even though his past is a dark one.

He let out a shaky breath, and looked up at her. Sasuke could swear he saw his mother sitting in Sakura's seat. But she morphed back into Sakura, and that was when he knew he needed to tell her. But why? Those were his thoughts. Why should he tell her? Why does he feel the need to tell this beautiful and smart detective everything? Willing to risk his sanity to tell her. This is out of the ordinary for him.

"Now, Sasuke." Sakura said slowly, eyeing his reaction.

That one demand, made Sasuke understand her intentions, "You know."

The pinkette didn't expect that.


"I know what you're doing," His demeanor changed to a suspicious glare, "Are you testing me?"

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