Chapter 30 |Final|

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So this is the final chapter of "Criminal Case!" I will say that the ending was quite abrupt, but that was to be expected anyway. I would just like to say thank you so much for being patient and sticking with this story for so long! I began this story in November of 2014 and I don't regret it at all. This story is my personal favorite and I truly hope you all enjoyed it!

Please tell me what you thought of this story and how I can improve for whatever I write next! Also, there will not be a sequel, so please do not ask for one.

Again, thank you so very much for the votes and comments! My goal was to get 50k reads by the end, but I surpassed my goal with over 67k reads! Now, please enjoy the last chapter of "Criminal Case."


Love does unexpected things to people. People whom have fallen in love do certain things that they would have never done before. They take risks for the ones they love and go to tremendous lengths to save those they deem in danger. It's a commitment and a bond between two people that cause them to go to such great lengths. Love is crazy, but it's endless. There is no finish line, even if one passes away, never to return.

Sakura Haruno is a cautious woman. She always has a pinch of regret deep in her emotions every time she decides to do something risky. For some odd reason, betraying her comrades and doing the unthinkable for the man she loves doesn't waver her even one bit. It's strange to her, but it's a clear sign to her that what she is planning to do is right for her. Her actions will have consequences, she knows this very well. Her friends will look at her differently after this, but she must do this for him.

Putting on her professional attire, she didn't even pull her hair back like usual. She let her pink locks hang free, symbolism that she is no longer the woman she used to be. Her emerald eyes held no emotion due to her being deep in thought. She only had one goal in mind and she had no intention of failing. Sakura stared at her gun that was left on the coffee table as she sat down on the couch. Her eyes scanned every inch of the weapon and the magazine that was filled with bullets right next to it. Making up her mind, a dreadful sigh escaped her lips as she quickly grabbed the gun with her right hand and the magazine with her left. She skillfully inserted the magazine into the gun, clicking it into place then placing the loaded firearm behind her back, the back of her black coat freely falling over the gun, hiding it from sight.

She ended up folding a full outfit and placing it in a small bag and zipping the bag up. The detective tiredly leaned back on the couch and closed her green eyes for a moment, only listening to the light sounds of the air conditioner in her apartment. Going over the plan she had in mind for the thousandth time, she went over the pros and cons of it and how she can successfully get Sasuke out. Usually prisoners are relocated to a different area, but not for Sasuke and other extremely dangerous criminals who had only been behind bars for a few days and are awaiting execution. It wasn't normal, but the cell block for those criminals was on the lowest floor of the station, nearly underground and dark with a heavy amount of security cameras (A/N: real world, I completely doubt that's how it works, but for the sake of the plot, just go with it). She contemplated hiding her identity with dark clothing and a hoody or making it seem like she was there for an interrogation, The second option was the best thing to do in her opinion.

Exhaling loudly, she opened her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows, muttering a single word, "Alright."


"Did you get her home safely?" Asked the blonde detective to Sai as he walked into the office.

Sai ignored him and placed his jacket on the back of a chair and Naruto felt offended at the emotionless man not answering him.

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