Chapter 9

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Sakura's POV



It felt as if my head keeps expanding and is going to explode at any second. There was also a terrible churning sensation in my stomach. My eyelids turned to slits as I tried opening them. A blindess invaded my eyes, as I tried to adjust them to the light shining through my white curtains.

I moaned as I sat up in my bed. The hammering pain reached my head again, and I placed my hand on the side of my head, hoping the pain would stop. It didn't help. Looking towards my window, I notice the sun is already up. I'm not used to this time of day. I usually wake up around 6 and leave at 7 in the morning for work. It's definitely not normal to see the sun up and shining right when I wake up.

"So this is what it's like to be hung over. . ." I mumble as I swing my legs over the side of the bed.

Placing my feet on the ground, I stand up, but immedietly regret it. It felt as if my stomach dropped. I dropped on my knees, and leaned over a silver, shiny can that was placed by my bed. Anything that ever existed in my stomach, came out. I could still taste the burning sensation of the sake in the back of my throat. The acidy taste didn't help much either. Wiping my mouth off, realization hit me.

"How did this can get here. . .?" I whisper to myself.

Then I remember. He was here. Did Sasuke help me? No, that can't be right. He's a criminal who threatened to hurt my team and me in particular. Why the hell would he come here and help me? Goodness, this is all such a mess. He has to be playing games with me. That, or he's bipolar.

I walk into the kitchen, my shoulders hunched, as I have my hand on my stomach. I immedietly notice the sake bottles lined perfectly by the sink. No way. . . I drank what, two bottles? Yet, four are empty. He dumped them out. That bastard. . . He had no right!

I grab the empty glass bottles, and they make a clinking sound as I carry them to the trash can. I throw them in the trash can, and walk to the fridge. Grabbing a bottle of water, I sip it slowly, and can still taste the acidy, burning vomit from earlier. I cringe at the taste taking over my mouth.

This is hell. This feeling of sickness and laziness is terrible. I'm used to drinking countless cups of coffee everyday and keeping my mind on task. I have to think a lot, and just thinking right now is hurting my head terribly. I never drink. I may have a drink here and there, but mostly after work when I hang out with Naruto or when there's a special occasion. I've never drank non-stop in one night before. Not even on the birthday of legal drinking age, did I drink this much!

I walk back to my room, and lay down on my bed, wanting sleep to take me away from this drowsiness and irritating pain. As my head hits the pillow, I sigh in relief, the recognizable tune sounds throughout the room. I growl, and pick up my phone.

"Hello." I say tiredly.

"Ay, Sakura! You sound like a reck!" Naruto's voice exclaimed in the phone.

I yawned, "You're right about something for once."

"Hey! I'm right about a ton of things!"

I chuckled sheepishly, "Right. . ."

Naruto chuckled back, "So I was thinking, we should hang out today. How about getting some coffee. You're hung over, so you'll need it."

I paused, "How did you know I'm hung over?"

"Let's just say, I've had my experiences. So, whaddya say, Sakura?"

I sighed, "I don't know. . . I feel like literal shit right now."

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