Chapter 27

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The meeting room was filled with different conversations that echoed in everyone's ears. It was normal for everyone to come together and discuss a plan, but it was a different story when a fellow co-worker's life was on the line, especially when a dangerous group as the Akatsuki were involved. In the middle of the room, Shikamaru Nara was lecturing different squads about their purpose and what needed to be done to make this maneuver successful. Others were contemplating whether or not the pink-haired detective could still be alive and if she is handling herself well. A sun-kissed blonde stared out the window and into the night, with his hands gripping the ledge.

Naruto felt a hand grip his shoulder and he slightly tilted his head to the side, catching a glimpse of the emotionless icicle. Sai gave him a reassuring, but false smile that always made the detective cringe, because he knew Sai's smile was never true.

"Don't worry, Uzumaki. I'm sure Ugly is fine."

He moved his shoulder out of his co-workers grip and shook his head, "That's not what I'm thinking about." There was a pause, until he turned to Sai and said, "I know I'm not one to think too hard about certain things, but this situation has me wondering," The Uzumaki looked him dead in the eye and said, "What could possibly be the reason the Akatsuki want Sakura? I get they found out she and Nara discovered their hideout, but they should have enough common sense to know Nara was going to tell us about it, leading to their defeat."

Sai's smile turned into a frown and he replied, "I've thought about it as well. I have no logical answer, other than bombing our whole unit when we get to their hideout."

"Well geez, that's a little dark."

He shrugged, "Deidara is known for his infamous bomb attacks and all three of them want blood. It would be a thrill to them if they took down a majority of the police force in the area. Ugly is known for the cases she's solved."

Naruto shook his head, "That seems like a little too much for them. They don't kill people for their own amusement. It's always been about 'changing the world' to them."

"But if they are at risk of getting caught what else do you think they would do?"

Naruto's baby-blue eyes fell to the floor, a grave expression of sadness crossing his features of the unexpected turn of events that led to his friend's life coming to risk, until the familiar voice of the pineapple-haired detective sounded in his ears.

"Everyone come over here! We have to go over our plan one more time to ensure this is successful."


It was always quiet in this dark place. Only the candles aligning the cement walls illuminated the floors and walls of this underground hideout. Only the sounds of slow footsteps sounded as the man walked down the hall, the sound of water droplets frequently echoing. The yellow of the burning candles showed the contoured, dark outline of his silhouette as he kept moving forward. He turned a corner, but stopped when the familiar person stood in front of him. He opened his eyes, revealing that beautiful onyx color.

"We need to talk."

Itachi stared at the red-haired man, suspecting what this discussion was going to lead to, "How's the detective?"

Sasori winced at his response and said with sharpness in his tone, "Don't change the subject," he stepped forward to intimidate the Uchiha, but Itachi's blank expression never changed, "What are we doing? Why did we capture the girl? This is absolutely pointless to me and now she wants answers."

"Did you inject her with the poison yet?"

"Dammit," Sasori punched the wall beside Itachi, "What is this about? Tell me now or I will kill you right now."

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