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The last two days have passed very quietly. Me, Kevin and Aurelia have kept the contact with our household members to an absolute minimum since my mom and Gregory announced their engagement. I have to admit that eating dinner with Buck, Ezekiel, Pyra and Myra was an interesting experience. We sat in the kitchen, laughed and talked about silly things. Both Buck and Kevin were very relaxed in each other's company. They laughed at each other's jokes the loudest, exchanged funny remarks about the various topics they discussed, and so on. Ezekeil spoke little, but all the while he smiled under his breath and giggled when he heard something funny. Myra sat drowsy, afraid that Apolonia would reprimand her severely for eating with her grandchildren. Pyra told her sister nonstop that she shouldn't stress because it was me, Kevin, and Aurelia who decided to keep them company and no one forced or encouraged us to do anything. I also caught a better connection with Aurelia. We started talking about school, friends, and teachers in a casual way. There was no longer any hidden sarcasm in our conversations, no desire to make each other miserable, or just anger. It was as if we were starting to get to know the teenage girl from the ground up. It was as if we simply hadn't talked before, or didn't know each other at all. It was a nice change, because constant verbal skirmishes with Aurelia were becoming tiresome and tiresome in the long run.

As for me and Kevin...we had a really nice time. We didn't talk about what happened the night we watched "Titanic" on Aurelia's laptop. That was good, because it was a very uncomfortable subject for Kevin and me. The two of us spent a lot of time together, or the three of us with Aurelia. We would sit for hours in my room, or in Kevin's room, watching silly videos on the internet and having fun. Family problems were put aside and we didn't think about them. We would watch movies or just talk about many topics while joking around and eating snacks. Kevin and Aurelia also helped me with my role to play in "In the Night at Midnight." They helped me make sense of the scene (if this whole play made any sense) and learn my lines. The part wasn't long, but as I've mentioned many times before, it was embarrassing. I had to learn it, though, because Rayan notified me that he was coming Saturday afternoon. He wrote me a short message containing no detailed information. He didn't even say hello when writing to me via Messenger. It was something like "I'll be there Saturday at three in the afternoon". It was Saturday, and the time I had arranged to meet Rayan was inexorably approaching.

Kevin wasn't thrilled about the fact that the doberman would be coming here. The wolf was aware that Rayan had hit me and that I had thrown myself at Alex to protect the young man. He knew that the doberman had acted unfairly towards me. Kevin treated me in that regard like a little brother who needed to be protected from the likes of Rayan. It was extremely kind and sweet of him...but what could he do? Eventually, Rayan threw his fists at Alex when he hurt me. In the end, Rayan apologized for everything and drove me back to the Von Rostov house. Still, these situations didn't have to happen if the boys would just be nice to me, or just leave me alone from the beginning. Besides, I got to pass this theater project with Rayan. There was no way out, so it was still safer for me to meet the boy on my property than at his house, apartment, boarding school room or wherever he lived. Kevin understood the situation, but he didn't hide his displeasure.

Aurelia tried to hide her happiness at Rayan's arrival. She knew that after everything that had happened, it would be very inappropriate if she squealed at the sight of him. As much as she tried to keep her emotions in check it was obvious she was happy to see the doberman in her home. Maybe the teenager just wants to feast her eyes? She should be aware of the fact that Rayan wasn't paying attention to her at all. Aurelia at Roxana's party was already almost sitting on the boy's lap, and he seemed to pay no attention to her at all. If she was counting on the boxer being interested in her it was a rather poor chance.

Personally, I tried to approach the subject of Rayan as neutrally as possible. The positive side of the situation was that the boy took our school duties seriously. He was reluctant, that's a fact. But he broke through and I hope he was ready to rehearse and agree on the details of our speech. It stressed me out a bit. I could only guess how Rayan would act during our rehearsals. I decided to adopt a positive thinking strategy. He had practically a whole week to get used to the idea that he would have to touch me, say affectionate words to me and so on...I mean he would be saying it to Annabelle, who I would be playing. Only taking the play professionally and not taking the scene personally can help us now. I hope he was aware of that too.

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