Chapter Six: Bigger Problems

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Hailey limped through the doorway. Red splotches blemished her blonde hair and cheeks, and the tight black t-shirt she wore was torn down the middle, exposing a lacy bra and impressive abs. She held a gun aloft and did an efficient sweep of the hallway before lowering it and nodding to Van.

"Any chance it's a coincidence this attack happened the night you woke up?"

Van sagged against the wall in relief. She wasn't sure she had another round in her, and Paula needed almost as much protection as Van did. Hailey could get them to safety.

"My mother used to say there was no such thing as coincidences," Paula muttered, giving Van her arm for assistance. "Hailey, let me look at that leg."

"No need," the girl replied, wiping at her face and leaving a pink smear behind. "I twisted it when a big vamp pushed me down the stairs, but that's my only injury. None of this blood is mine. I don't want any efforts wasted on something so small."

"I'm glad you're okay," Van said, biting back a squeal when Hailey scooped her up in a hug.

"That's what I should be saying to you." Tears turned her blue eyes watery. "I really didn't think you were going to come out of it."

Paula nudged Van. "As sweet as this reunion is, we should be moving. It's not safe."

Hailey palmed her forehead and then pressed a finger against her ear. "East Hallway is secure. Phoenix has been located as well."

"Phoenix?" Van scoffed.

"Sorry, I should've told you both first thing. All areas are secure. Paula, the Commander wants all healers in the med bay. I'll take Van from here."

Paula didn't argue or question the Slayer's ability to look after her patient, which said a lot about Hailey. The duality of her friend's personality constantly amazed Van. Sultry, angel-faced teenager and kick ass warrior woman- Hailey was a force of a nature, but what Van admired most about the girl was her openness. She had tossed aside years of programming when faced with the truth, and Van trusted someone willing to question orders more than a blind follower.

"Where are we going?"

"Mom calls it the Command Center, but it's really just the dining room," Hailey answered.

Hailey hooked her arm around Van's waist for support, but after a few steps, she wondered if Hailey needed the support more than she did. Perhaps her ankle was the only injury she sustained, but from the way the Slayer dragged it, something broke during the fall.

"Is everyone okay"

"Xandra and Walker are fine. I saw her arguing with him before I found you. Apparently, he wasn't enthusiastic about being forced to go with the other kids."

She chuckled. There were times Walker made her look mild tempered. But she cut the laughter short when Hailey didn't continue.

"What about the others?" What about Luca?

Hailey inhaled deeply, then winced as she stepped wrong. Clearing her throat, she explained, "We'll get a full report in the Command Center. I'm sure he's fine. Luca is always fine."

Telling herself Hailey was being evasive because she truly didn't know and not because she was hiding something helped ease some of Van's worry. Not that she wasn't concerned for the others at the Chateau- she wasn't that callous, but it broke her to think her last interaction with Luca had been fraught with tension. He'd sat by her side for weeks, and then for that moment to be their last-

No. She shook her head, drawing side-eye from Hailey. You can't think like that. He's fine.

"Hailey, are you okay?"

Defiant: Book 2 of the Forbidden SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now