Chapter Twenty-One: Bathroom Break

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"Oh my gosh," Hailey moaned between bites of burger. "I mean, it's not as good as Wanda's, but it's really, really close."

"Everything at Wanda's tastes like grease," Bane said. He picked up his second burger and took a huge bite, his canines lengthening as they ripped through the three beef patties. "This is by far superior."

"You take that back!"

Van and Livy ignored them as they worked on their own meals. Chances were high that Bane only said what he did to rile Hailey up, but it was nice to see him acknowledging her existence, even if he was being mean. Honestly, being mean was more in line with his character than moping and lovesickness.

Van pushed a fry around her plate and watched through the fingerprint smeared window as a tow-truck hauled the white car out of the ditch. Chunks of grass and dirt fell from the tires, and a long black streak marred the white paint on the driver's side. The driver sat in the passenger seat of the truck, her phone pressed against her ear, and her hands waving wildly in the air.

Could she have lived with herself if the accident killed the woman? Especially knowing that her intervention caused it. Her patty melt sat heavy in her stomach, and she dropped the fry. It seemed so simple to use her power to save herself and her friends, but today proved there were consequences. Ones she couldn't foresee.

Does it matter? The consequence of not intervening would be death for all of you. A small voice in her mind whispered. The world flickered and sound faded. Ice chilled her bones and panic squeezed her heart. Was she being pulled back into the void?

"Van. Van."

"Ow," she hissed as pain rocketed up her shin. She reached under the table to rub the throbbing spot where Livy had kicked her. "Was that necessary?"

Miraculously, Hailey and Blane hadn't noticed their interaction. Probably because they now leaned across the table, their noses almost touching as they argued. This morning, Van thought the girls had chosen one another, but seeing Hailey and sensing the desire coursing between them, she realized things weren't that black and white. Precisely what they didn't need right now.

Livy threw down her napkin. "Bathroom. Now."

Rather than argue, Van slid out of the booth and followed the petite Shifter. Livy's clipped steps took her back to their days at school. Gods, who would have thought the rule following and Peter-pan collar wearing princess was an animal underneath it all. The thought made her smile, and she was grateful for the opportunity to get to know the real Livy. Even if she wasn't very grateful for it at that moment.

"So, what's going on with those two?" Van asked when the lock clicked behind her.

The bathroom was small, with dim lighting and damp floors. She stepped over toilet paper on the floor and leaned against the sink, crossing her arms over her chest while Livy did the same across the room.

"Don't try to change the subject."

Van tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and arranged her features into the mask of a bored, slightly sullen teenager. It was the mask she perfected living with her father, and she wore it like a shield.

"I thought this is what girls did. They went to the bathroom to talk. Ooh, do you want to try smoking? I know you weren't into it when you caught me, but things have changed."

"I have not missed this version of you." The back of her head hit the bathroom door with a hollow thud. "What's going on?"


Livy's eyes flashed gold, her panther letting out a warning. "I saw your eyes change in the car, Van. They were white. Like they were when you first woke up."

Fear settled over Van like a clammy coat. She'd been so focused on finding Luca that she had little time to dwell on the void or the changes she'd experienced since waking. Now it felt like it was reaching for her. Waiting for her to be vulnerable before pulling her back under.

"Livy, please..."

"You know you can trust me, right?" She walked over to Van and pulled her into a brief hug. "It's not just about Luca. I get it. I get what it's like to not know what's happening to you. You trusted me to teach you how to shift like a Protean. Why can't you trust me with this?"

Van wanted to trust Livy, but something held her back. Something she couldn't explain. Maybe it was as simple as not wanting to add another thing to the list of reasons why she was different, or maybe it was her gut warning her to keep this information to herself. Either way, she wasn't ready to say anything.

"Can I have a moment alone?"

Livy clicked her tongue against her teeth and stepped back. "Van, I–"

"I need to actually use the restroom," she lied.

"Oh, yeah. I'll be at the table."

She waited until the door shut behind Livy before turning to brace her hands against the sink and releasing a muffled scream. Hot tears welled in her eyes but didn't fall, and when she raised her head to stare at her reflection, she gasped. A soft glow filled her eyes, but it was the same deep spring shade of green as her natural eye color.

"Luca," she whispered as she touched her face. "I wish you were here right now. You would just let me process it. Just be here for me."

She'd fought so hard to push him away in the beginning, convinced she was better off alone, and now she didn't know how to live without him. He was the best of all of them and didn't deserve what was happening to him.

There was a knock on the door. She swiped at her cheeks and urged the glowing to go away. It didn't fade at all.

"Just a second," she called out when the person outside knocked again. "Come on. Come on."

Another knock. Good grief. If they had to go so bad they could use the men's restroom. She opened her mouth to say as much when the knob twisted. Livy hadn't locked the door back.

"Excuse me," she said, lunging for the door, slapping her palms against the center when it started to swing open.

Instead of apologizing, the person shoved harder, catching her off balance. Van landed on her hip, and her jeans grew cold and damp as she scooted back to avoid being trampled on by the person entering.

She rubbed her leg and stood, glaring at the hulking man who blocked her exit. "You're in the wrong bathroom. Big, ugly brutes go across the hallway."

"They told me you were mouthy."

Alarms went off in her head. This wasn't some random asshole who picked the wrong restroom. She reached for her power, imagining her nails turning into thick black claws, but something sharp hit her in the chest. Numbness radiated through her, her knees buckled, and she fell into open arms. Right before she went under, she wondered why she hadn't seen this coming.

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