Chapter Twenty-Six: Alpha Energy

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Van groaned as her eyes opened. Then panic set in because all she could see was darkness. Had someone had pulled her into the Void? Would she be lucky enough to get out the third time?

Fingers dug into her face, holding her in place, and before she could speak, warm lips covered her cold ones, forcing air into her lungs. She recognized this mouth. Still dreamed of his kisses. That was the only reason she didn't punch Luca before she shoved him off her and sat up.

"What the hell?" she shouted.

He sat back on his knees with a grunt and wrapped one arm around his chest. Face drawn tight with discomfort, he replied, "One minute you were waking up, and the next you weren't breathing. It's called CPR."

"I know what it's called."

"Just checking because you seem to be under the impression I was kissing you."

"That's your subconscious speaking," Van snapped back as she surveyed their surroundings.

She hadn't been trapped in the void. The sky was starless, and the canopy of trees overhead blocked out any ambient light. Panic had overtaken her before her Protean vision cleared enough for her to see clearly in the darkness. Gas fumes and smoke hung thick in the air, and her ribs ached when she coughed to clear her throat. Maybe wrecking the car hadn't been her brightest idea, but it had bought her time.

"Surprised you didn't drag me down the road by my hair while I was out cold."

Luca stood, stumbled, and leaned against a tree. Cheeks puffing out as he struggled to breathe, he shot Van a dirty look. "Believe me, if I were capable, I would have taken great pleasure in doing so."

Fighting back her urge to check on his injuries, she stood and brushed grass and dirt from her pants, encountering a few patches of half dried blood. Thank god both of them were sturdier than most and prone to fast healing. Though, for Luca to still be in this much pain, his injuries would have been life threatening for a human.

"I'm guessing the calvary is going to show up any minute..."

He turned so his back pressed against the tree. Arm still wrapped around his ribs, he nodded. "Something like that."

"Wait." She scanned the wreckage and found what she was searching for almost at once. His cell phone. Broken in two on the ground. "Your phone is broken. No one is coming."

Gold shimmered between the slits of his eyelids. "We're going to them. Just shut up for two damn minutes. I think I liked you better when you were unconscious."

Van inhaled deeply, reminding herself that was the collar speaking and not Luca. Then she fixed a sickly sweet smile on her face and flashed ten razor-sharp claws at him. Her meaning was obvious, and he stepped toward her with a growl. Only to fall to one knee with a hiss.

"Here's what is going to happen. You're going to come with me this time. You can use your own two feet, or I can drag you."

He dug inside his coat, and she darted forward, sliding her hand in around his until her fingers curled around the cold metal of the gun he carried. Using his body weight to his advantage, he pushed her to the ground while they grappled for the gun. Senses haywire with the smell and feel of him, Van focused on disarming him even as her heart thudded in her chest with need.

Luca's lips curled up in triumph as he got the better grip on the weapon. But she wasn't giving up that easily. This might be the only chance to free him. Driving her other hand into his ribs, she locked her legs around his hips and followed him over as he fell backward. That left her straddling him as he gasped and moaned.

She picked up the gun and threw with her my might into the woods. It went so far she didn't even hear it hit the ground. Careful to avoid touching his collar, she pushed down on his shoulders and leaned over his face until their noses nearly touched.

"You are in no position to be the Alpha right now, got it? That's me. I'm the Alpha."

Luca blinked rapidly. Anger and something else battling in his eyes. She was so focused on that she never saw his hand coming. He grabbed her hair, sitting up in a single fluid motion, and she locked her legs tighter around him to avoid being thrown off.

But he wasn't trying to dislodge her. He wanted to bring her closer.

This time there was no questioning his motive when his lips crashed over hers, and she responded with equal fervor. She clawed at his shirt as her hands made their way up his body, finally going around his neck, and he let go of her hair, dropping his hands down to grab under her thighs.

Luca consumed her. Her body. Her thoughts. Her heart. She had only thought she hurt before, but having him touch her this way while wearing the collar nearly broke her. Pain laced the pleasure as her mouth opened to his tongue, and when he gripped her hips and forced her down to grind on him, a quiet voice whispered in the back of her head that she had to stop this.

That if she didn't, they would cross the line, and she would never forgive herself. No matter how much it made her glad to know that the collar couldn't erase the deepest parts of him that wanted her. This wasn't right.

"Luca." she broke away with a gasp as the last roll of her hips against his body sent stars shooting through her veins. "Stop. Stop."

Van shoved him and jumped up, putting as much distance as she dared between them. Injured or not, she didn't put it past him to attempt escape.

"What did you do to me?" he demanded, rolling to his knees and then standing. "Gabriella is right. You're dangerous."

"Yep. That's me. A real seductress right here," she said, licking her lips and tasting him there. Hardening her resolve, she pointed into the darkness. "Now walk in that direction, so I don't have to knock you out."

"And what are you going to do when I'm healed and can fight back?" he asked with an arched brow.

Instead of answering his question, she pointed again and said, "Walk."

Because she didn't know what she was going to do if that happened. She just had to pray she found help before it did.

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