Chapter Twenty-Eight: Better Odds

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She hadn't slept in over twenty-fours. Livy wiped the gunk from the corners of her eyes and pushed her fist in her mouth to stifle a yawn. Under normal circumstances, going this long without sleep wouldn't be difficult for Shifters. Their bodies were made to endure extremes, but it had been days since they'd had any proper rest, catching only a couple hours of rest here and there. The breaking point was getting closer.

And for a human...

Livy glanced at Hailey. She had reluctantly agreed to sleep in the car, and that was the only reason she was still standing. Her blue eyes were brighter than usual, and she kept blinking and shaking her head.

"You're sure this is it?" Hailey asked.

Livy understood her skepticism. The three of them stood in front of a bar called The Hex. Dance music blasted them every time someone opened the door, and the alcohol fumes were nearly debilitating. It certainly wasn't where she expected to find Van, but Bane agreed. Their friend's scent was strong here. Fresh.

"Wait," Bane said, throwing up his hand and flaring his nostrils. "Livy, you smell that?"

Frowning, she let go of Van's scent reluctantly. It would be hard to find again in all the chaos. Immediately, a familiar scent washed over her. One that reminded her of home and love.

"Luca is here."

Hailey's lips parted, and she straightened, not looking nearly as tired as before. "That's good, right?"

"Maybe," Livy cautioned. "If he's alone, but if the people who took Van are there with him, we're going to be sorely outnumbered."

"We didn't do so well when we weren't outnumbered last time."

"This time, we're ready," Bane said. "We know what lengths he's willing to go to while he's wearing that collar."

Arms folded over her chest, she stepped aside to allow a couple of inebriated college age girls to stumble past. One slowed, her nose crinkling as she caught a scent on the breeze, and when she looked at Livy, her eyes turned black.

"Did you see that?" Bane asked when the girls disappeared from view. He rubbed his nose. "Hell, did you smell that?"

Livy nodded, her own eyes watering. "Like sulfur and sugar."


"Excuse me?" she asked Hailey.

The girl laughed. "Hags are demon-witch hybrids. There are a couple of different supernaturals who do the black eyes thing, but if that's what you smelled, she's definitely a hag."

"Of course she's half demon," Bane muttered.

Hailey sobered. "About that...Before we go in there, we need a cover story for why you have a human with you. They might not ask, but it wouldn't hurt to have an explanation."

Bane held Livy's gaze for a long moment, and she knew what he was asking. She wanted to say no. For more reasons than one, but she could only shrug.

Something like disappointment flashed across his face before he pulled Hailey against his chest and kissed her so savagely she lost her balance. An approaching group let out whistles and catcalls that turned into laughter when Livy glared at them.

When Hailey and Bane separated, he slung an arm around her shoulder and looked back at Livy. "I think that's enough explanation."

"Whatever," she grumbled, pushing up her sleeves and marching toward the door.

Inside, The Hex was even more chaotic. No one asked for their ID or a cover charge, and clearly no one was keeping up with the number of people inside the bar. They were definitely at capacity–at least on the dance floor. There was no way to tell who was dancing with who as the mob jumped and gyrated to the music.

Dim yellow lights flickered over the bar, and a giant pink neon sign proclaiming the bar's name hung over a mercury glass mirror behind the bar. Patrons leaned over the polished counter, waving hands in the face of a girl with curly pink hair who didn't seem to be in any hurry.

"Do you see them?" Hailey asked, nuzzling her head into Bane's chest when a man walked by.

"No. There's too–wait. There."

In the farthest left corner of the bar, Livy spied them. Luca and Van sat across from two men in a curved booth. They appeared to be listening to one of the men. Or at least, Luca was. Van glared into empty space and every so often tried to dislodge the arm Luca draped over her shoulders.

"Shit. What do we do?"

"We've got the better odds," Bane said, moving the girls through the crowd until they found an empty spot in the shadows against the wall. They could still see Van and Luca from this angle. "Four against three."

"That's assuming Van isn't hurt," Hailey protested. "Not to mention, let's be for real, for real. Luca counts as more than one."

"He may be an Alpha, but I'm Protean. It's even," Livy snapped. Not to mention, she could be an Alpha if she wanted the responsibility. "And we don't have to win the fight. We just have to get close enough to get that collar off Luca's throat. Then he's on our side."

"And how do we do that?"

Livy chewed her lip, mind racing as she stared across the room at her friends. Suddenly, Van's gaze shifted, locking on their hiding spot, and her lips curled up in the smallest smile. Livy returned it.

"Okay," she said, feeling a rush of excitement. "I think Van is good. She wants to fight her way out of here."

Bane and Hailey shared a look, but they didn't argue; instead, they scooted closer. As she laid out her idea, her shoulders itched, and she glanced up, expecting to find Van was watching her, but the girl had turned her attention to the group at the table. The first look around the bar revealed nothing, but then someone tapped her on the shoulder.

Without thinking, she spun around and drove her arm into the newcomer's throat, pinning him against the wall. Bane and Hailey formed a wall around her so no one could see what was happening.

"You have ten seconds to explain why you're bothering me," she snapped while taking in the man's appearance.

Only, he was just barely more than a boy. With his thick brows and fresh acne scars, he couldn't be too much older than her. God, she really hoped she hadn't just attacked someone who was coming over to ask her to dance or some other foolishness.

"You're Van's friends?"

So, not just a random admirer. She pressed her arm into his throat with a little more force. His yellow eyes bulged. "How do you Van? How do you know us?"

"Sh-she described you to me," he choked out, pushing against her arm with a clawed, hairy hand. Livy could feel the strength in his attempt, but she was stronger. "And I smelled your scents on her."

"He's a werewolf," Hailey warned.

"He's a dumbass," Livy growled. "Why would you approach us? You kidnapped her."

"No, no." He tried to shake his head. "I mean...I didn't. I tried to help her. I want to help her now. I'm Axl."

"And why should we trust you, Axl?" She eased up a bit, satisfied that they could easily subdue him again.

Axl massaged his windpipe gratefully. "The two men at that table are my Alpha and Beta. Something is wrong with them. Someone is controlling them, and I want it stopped. Helping Van helps me."

It wasn't really proof, but instinct told Livy this guy was telling the truth. She looked at the other two. "What do you think?"

Bane grinned. "I think I like our odds."

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