Chapter Seven: Green

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"Wait, that's not how that works, right?" Van's expression turned pensive as she struggled to recall everything she'd been told about vampires. Strange to think nearly a month had passed since talking about them at the Delta's hideout. For her, it felt as if it had happened two days ago.

"It's not how it's supposed to work, no," Luca admitted, angling his body so curious eyes couldn't see her.

"Dean and Isaiah were both dead or dying, which means they couldn't have gone through the rites."

"Precisely," Xandra said, drawing their attention back to the back of the room. She stood next to Nancy and tapped her ears. "For those of you without super hearing, my daughter and Luca bring up the part of all this that worries me the most."

"Something worries you more than a spy?" Luce asked, lifting her pierced eyebrow.

"For years, the biggest threat we've faced has been the Slayers. Their policing and the vampires' inability to grow their ranks quickly because of the very specific requirements that had to be met meant we didn't pay the vamps much attention. Dean is proof that the vampires have found another way to turn people."

"Awesome," Scott growled. "Just fucking awesome."

"First things first," Nancy continued, pointing at Luce, "Can you get in touch with the Northern Coven and request additional help. Nothing long term. We need new wards designed. The ones we have now are specific to the current makeup of vampires."

Luce chewed on her lip and peered closer at Dean. Then she nodded. "I can do that, but they're gonna need samples. Gotta get him on ice, ASAP."

"Gross," Hailey muttered.

Van leaned into Luca. Her lashes fluttered over her bright eyes as if she fought to stay awake. When she caught him watching, she opened them wide and stood up straight.

"Nice try," he said. "Maybe it's time to get some rest?"

"I literally just woke up," she grumbled even though nothing had been restful about her slumber. The void pushed in on her now as if sensing her weakness, and she didn't think she would ever sleep well again.

"I think Luca is right," Xandra said, having the grace to at least look contrite about eavesdropping again. "We have our priorities. The wounded and the wards. Once we know we're protected, we can reconvene and discuss offensive measures. Nancy, do you agree?"

Nancy nodded, and Van marveled at their rapport. Neither woman chafed against the other. There was no cattiness or struggle to be viewed as more powerful than the other. Just two women working in tandem in a way the world refused to believe they could.

"Hailey, can we talk?" Livy asked.

"It's late," the former Slayer hedged.

"It won't take long."

Hailey sighed and nodded, looking so much like her mother it was uncanny. "I'll catch you two later. So good to see you up, Van."

"What's that about?" Van asked as she allowed Luca to lead her back to her bedroom.

She stepped over the vampire she'd staked with her arm and tried not to stare at the hole. That was a conversation for later.

"I don't know. Haven't really been around either of them all that much. I guess I missed them becoming friends."

She wisely kept her mouth shut despite wanting to apologize again for keeping him away from his family and the fight. A big part of her whispered she wasn't worth all this trouble, but Luca made his thoughts very clear in the bathroom.

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