2. Dreams and Parties

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Draco POV:

"Ahhh fuck Eleanor-" I moaned out " Dray- Dracooo".......

"GET the fuck up Draco!" Blaise woke me up, "Everyone is heading down to breakfast and you are stillll lying in bed, SO GET UP!", "Ok ok Blaise I'm getting up just shut it already".

I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom, Blaise left so he could go eat breakfast.
I brushed my teeth and looked in the mirror staring at myslef , I was confused about how I felt for her, for Eleanor. I have never had a dream about her like this. She was so hot it was like I couldn't resist her.

I continued to get dressed trying to fight the thought of Eleanor in my head, and remembered the Slytherin party was on tonight.  Not everyone was invited but I was, the people that were invited got an invitation for themselves and a plus one.
I didn't know who I was inviting yet but I had the urge to ask Eleanor. I had so many doubts because i knew she hated me, but I decided I would try give myslef to the end of the day to ask her.

I walked down to the great hall and saw Pansy and Eleanor laughing at the table. I walked over to them "What are you two laughing about" I asked curiously.

Eleanor sat there in silence but Pansy let out in excitement "Blaise just asked her to go to the party with himm!!". 

I felt the anger and jealousy build up inside of me " Do I really like her this much" I said in my head.

"He only asked you cause he felt bad no one else would" I walked away and to my dorm.

I couldn't contain myslef with all the anger and jealousy that built up in me it was adding on to all the shit I'm dealing with already.
Sometimes I wanted to breakdown and just let everything out but I couldn't, there was no one I could talk to, no one was ever there for me.

I was Alone.

Eleanors POV :

Draco walked into the Great hall and walked towards Pansy and I, "What are you two laughing about?" he asked.

I didn't want to say anything but Pansy couldn't resist but tell him "Blaise asked her to go to the party with himm!".

"He only asked you cause he felt bad no one else would" he muttered and walked away.

He was annoyed, something was bothering him I could tell he looked off.

I didn't really care about what he said because he hated me and was always rude to me, I was used to it.

After breakfast I went to my Astronomy class, it was my favourite class. I have always loved looking at the night sky with the bright stars, it was like my safe place.

I walked into class and saw everyone around Astoria Greengrass, I wanted to know what happened and pulled myself closer to her desk.

"He asked me to go to the party with him,  Draco Malfoy" I heard her say.

The jealousy started to build up inside of me, I hated that me and Draco didn't get along.

I tried so hard to ignore the thought of seeing him at the party with Astoria, I wanted to be the one going to the party with him, But I knew it wouldn't happen.

After school

Pansy was coming over to my dorm to get ready with me for the party. Theo Nott asked her to go to the party with him, "Hey I'm here, let's get ready" she walked in with two bags.

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