3. The Black Lake

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Eleanors POV:

I couldn't fall back asleep after the dream I just had of Draco. I have never had a dream of him like this, did it mean something....did it mean that maybe I like him?

After an hour of trying to sleep I still couldn't, I decided to get out of bed and walk around to clear my mind.

I got up put on a jumper, some sweats and shoes and walked out the door. I tried to be as quite as I could walking down the halls as it was forbidden to walk out during night hours .

I got to one of the exists and stepped out into the cool breeze looking up into the night sky. The stars were so bright, the moon was half lit up and shined down to the ground.
I could look up at the sky all night it brought me relieve and made me feel safe.

I began to walk toward the Black lake to sit along the dock and gaze at the stars.
It was kind of like my secret spot, even though the dock was no secret. I went there sometimes at night to clear my mind and let go of stress.

Play the song^

I went through the woods, walking along the path hearing the sounds of sticks cracking and owls in the distance.
I got to the dock seeing someone already sitting at the edge with their back turned to me.

I couldn't tell who it was from the distance I was at, I got closer trying not to make noise. As I started to walk closer my foot got caught in a crack on the wooden boards of the dock and fell over.

We're right here

I quickly felt the person turn around and walk over to me, their hands grabbed onto mine and pulled me up,

"What is it with you and always falling over something, or someone?" It was his voice, Malfoys voice.

I looked up and stared into his deep grey eyes, "I guess I'm just a ponderous person" I shrieked.

So much more than perfect

I looked down to see he still had a grip on my hands, I quickly pulled my hands down and walked to the end of the dock and sat down.

He followed me down and sat next to me.

"What are you doing down here anyway?" He asked me.
" I couldn't sleep, I had to clear my mind." "What about you, what's your reason?"

"Oh um I couldn't sleep either" he stuttered.

He always looked like something was bothering him, like something was always on his mind. There was no way I could help, I mean after all we hate each other...

We only have one conversation a week

Draco POV:

I couldn't tell her about the dream I had, or what else was on my mind.

I replied with "Oh um I couldn't sleep either", I stuttered, I was nervous, why was I nervous?

Looking at her I got more nervous and nervous, why do I feel like this, Do I like her?

I kept asking myslef these questions in my head until she broke the silence after a few minutes.


"Yes Riddle"

"Why don't we get along?"

I didn't know how to answer the question, there really was no answer to that question except the fact that we were both stubborn.

"I don't know, I guess we are both just too stubborn to get along" I answered her question.

It went silent again, She didn't say anything, did I do something wrong?, did I hurt her?

"Stubbornness is a good thing you know" she broke the silence again.

"Why is it a good thing?" I was curious to know her answer.

Get comfortable with me

"Because, being stubborn brings more confidence and leadership doesn't it?" she turned and looked at me as she answered.

"I guess you could say that" I turned my head and looked at her.

It was that moment I realised I wasn't confused anymore, we locked eyes I looked into her eyes she looked into mine.

I liked her, I liked Eleanor Riddle. I couldn't admit it to her, the doubts crawled into my head. She wouldn't like me anyway, I have always been rude to her.

Eleanor POV:

We locked eyes, in that moment I knew the answer to my question. I liked him, I like Draco Malfoy.

His eyes looked into mine and I looked into his deep grey eyes.

I laid back to look up at the sky. The stars shining down on both of us.

I got back up and decided that if I was going to be here with him I might aswell make it fun.

I got into the water with all my clothes on without hesitation.

"Riddle what are you doing, get out!" He watched me get into the water and quickly got up.

"Why, I'm fine come innn" I shouted over to him.

I didn't think he was going to come in, but he started to get in fully clothed. At this point we were both throwing water at each other.

We were both laughing and actually getting along, it felt so good, no insults, no looks, just us getting along.

I started to get closer to him.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me up to him.

We locked eyes again, I could feel the tension build up, it was there but I couldn't admit it. There were so many doubts running up to my head. Malfoy liking me back, I don't think that will ever happen.

He was probably leading me on and messing with me, trying to embarrass me. He probably wanted another hook up.

I quickly pulled away and got out of the water. I turned back around to him looking at him in the water.

"I'm going to go now, it's late and there's class tomorrow" I turned back around and walked back to the castle.

I couldn't stay there, he was definitely just trying to embarrass me. I couldn't let that happen to me. Why do I like him? Why do I feel like this about him?

Draco POV:

I pulled her closer to me thinking I was going to make a move on her, but I couldn't. It was too early, and she doesn't even like me back anyway.

We locked eyes again, I felt so much tension. In that moment all I wanted to do was kiss her pink soft lips and fuck her.

She looked away and pulled away from me. I watched her get out of the water and leave. Was that too much? I shouldn't of done that. I ruined it all.

I wasn't good at anything, everything I did was wrong, she hates me.

I got out of the water and laid back on the dock. Why was it always me getting fucked up?

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