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March 14th, 1981

"NOOO!!!" That is what he had heard before getting lifted off and away. Bell, had just made a hard decision. Either save his love or his best friend. Bell hoped that this wouldn't be a mistake. Now he's already flying in the air with, Park. Bell carried her in his arms. Park couldn't believe that Bell would actually choose her. She was in total shock. She hugged Bell.

1 Hour later

"Come on, a little further." Bell was too exhausted. He fell towards the ground. He closed is eyes. Adler pulls Bell into the safe house. Then lifting him up onto the gurney. He looks over. He saw Park there. "Bell... I feel like I owe you." Park approached Bell. "We need you to hang in there for one more assignment. I'm counting on you again, Bell... Thank you." She streaked Bells hair with her fingers. Then he got pushed away into Adler's office. Bell at this point was seriously confused. "Wh, What are you guys doing?" Bell asked. Park looked at the ground, feeling bad for him. Then, Bell saw it, the needle. Adler held Bell's head still. "NO! STOP HIM SOMEONE PLEASE!" Bell screamed. But it was already too late. The needle was in his eye. It probably already reached the brain. "I need you to think back to our time in Vietnam," Adler said. 

"You took the right fork, not the trail to your left," Adler told Bell. He completely disregarded this and took the left fork. After a while, he reached the red door. He was back, in a lab? He looked through a window. He saw him sitting in a chair, with a potato sack over his head. Every single time he got jabbed with a dosage, he would hear the same words. "Adler is lying to you, do not trust Adler. He is lying." It was all coming back to him. He was brainwashed by the CIA and MI6. This whole time, he had worked for Perseus and he didn't even know. He felt horribly betrayed. He couldn't believe it. "No more dosages please, no PLEASE, ARGH" Bell screamed before getting jabbed in the eye with a dosage by Park. Bell's mind was almost completely dead. They kept on giving him dosages. He blacked out. When he woke up, Adler walked towards Bell. "Bell, No more fucking around. What did Perseus say? Where is he?" "What happened to me?" Bell asked. "What you're going through now is nothing compared to what you'll experience if you don't start cooperating," Adler replied. 

"Solovetsky. It's Solovetsky Monastery."Bell said. "Solovetsky... Sims, get Washington on the line. Everyone else gear up, we're leaving now. Bell, you made the right choice. You're still one of us".  Adler said to Bell before leaving the room. Bell went to the Darkroom where Park would usually be trying to process photos. Bell had millions of questions going through his head. He couldn't clear them all out of his head. "Hey..." Park says entering the darkroom. Park tries to touch Bell on the shoulder but Bell launches himself away from her. "Don't touch me". Bell says. "What?" Park asks in confusion. "Don't touch me!" Bell says. "No, Bell, I'm not here to hurt you". Park says. "I trusted you! I can't believe you would brainwash me. After that, you even helped Adler torcher me!" Bell says. She lightly puts her hand on Bell's shoulder. Bell closes his eyes but then turns his head to the side. He saw Park looking at the floor with one hand on his shoulder. "I'm so, sorry. I always get my mind into different projects to the point I don't know how inhumane the projects are. And you've just done so much for me. I truly sorry," Park said. Park took off her scarf and handed it to Bell. "I won't be able to come with you to Solovetsky, so I would like you to have it. As a gift to remember me from," Park said. "Once you return, maybe we could go have tea somewhere." "Fine," Bell replied. Park launched forward to hug him one more time. Bell streaked her dark coal hair. Park smiled and headed out of the Darkroom. She knew Bell would return safely. But everyone knows, nothing is certain.

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