The Task

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June 1st, 1981

MI6 had assigned Park a mission. MI6 had gotten info that soviets had abandoned a hide-out in east Germany and are going to send Park in to investigate. Park would get dropped off in a car somewhere else, then would walk the rest of the way there.

"Thank you for the ride," Park said after getting out of the car. She turned on her flashlight and walked to the hide-out. The hide-out was really just a normal-looking house that had 3 floors so it would look normal to citizens. When she got close to the house, she heard voices. She informed the person on comms about this. "I hear voices in the hide-out" Park said over comms. "Understood. Just try to maintain stealth." The announcer said. Park readied her 1911 and creaked open the back door. The house looked just like a normal house. No blueprints, propaganda, or any documents. She went upstairs. The voices came from a room. She got closer to the room and once she got next to the door, she bashed the door and shot 2 , what appeared to be, Stasis. "Don't shoot!" Someone said. Park had her gun pointed at her. She turned around. "Please, my name is Maxis, I'm a double agent working for the BND," "Do you have any proof?" Park asked. Maxis pulled out a verification card for the BND. Park took a close look at the card. She could tell it was real and handed it back to her. Park lowered her gun. "Start talking," Park said. Maxis revealed that the Stasi were here to retrieve the info that the Soviets had left when they abandoned the hideout and that she also found a document on a kept captive that Perseus had taken for interrogation in a city in Siberia. "What captive?" Park asked. "I don't know. They found him in the Solovetsky Monastery. Apparently, it's a person that went missing after the Trabzon airfield incident." It came back to Park. Bell was still alive. Bell was "killed" in Solovetsky Monastery and Adler found him at the Airfield in turkey. "We need to get out of here," Park said. "May I ask, who are you?" Maxis asked. Park took off her mask. "Park, MI6," Park replied. "I know you," Maxis said. Park put her mask back on. They got out of the room but then, someone threw a gas grenade. Park got out her gas mask and put it on and gave one to Maxis for her to stay safe from the gas. The Stasi had sent reinforcements to the hide-out. Park gave Maxis a bullfrog. Park readied her XM4 and killed the soldiers at the top of the stairs. She took out her Karambit and took Maxis by the hand and she went down the stairs killing them with her Karambit. Once they were able to escape, she contacted SAS to pick them up. Then, even Perseus soldiers were shooting at them. The 2 got behind cover and shot at them with their guns. Park wasn't sure how long it was going to take for the SAS to arrive, but as soon as the Soldiers started charging at them, the SAS arrived. They used their minigun on their helicopter and killed all of the hostiles in the area. "GET ON!!!" The SAS captain yelled. Park and Maxis ran towards the helicopter. Once they got on the helicopter took off. "I've got the intel and also found a double agent that works for the BND," Park told the SAS captain. "Good."

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