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July 5th, 1981

The time has come. Park had been overwhelmed over her friend's death and now that she found out that he wasn't dead, she was going to go in and save her friend. She even got permission from the BND to have Maxis as a partner. The SAS dropped the duo off near the location Bell was being held. The two charged towards the location. When they reached the location, they hid in the snow. They found out the location was a small log house. Guarding the door were 2 soldiers with Perseus. symbols on their shoulders. "You take out the one on the right and I'll take out the one on the left ok?" Park said. Maxis nodded. They went behind the hut and slowly approached them and both finished them off quietly. "There are voices coming from inside the house," Maxis told Park. "Cover me." Park replied. Park kicked down the door and saw 2 Soviets. She finished off one with her trusty Karambit but the other one knocked it out of her hand. Maxis then ran in and shot the other Soviet. "Thanks." Park said. "No problem. I'll be waiting outside." Maxis replied. Park nodded. Park saw someone in the corner. It had to be Bell. "Are you alright?" Park asked the person. "Who are you?" Bell asked. "Bell..." Park said quietly. Park slowly took off her mask. "Park, I haven't seen your face in ages. I can't believe it's you. You're just as beautiful as I remember." Park blushed. But she couldn't forget what she had to do to keep her friend safe. "We need to get you out of here." "Before we go *cough* *cough*, take this." Bell handed Park a small military pack. Park opened it up. She couldn't believe it. After all the time that had passed Bell kept it safe. "My scarf... Why did you keep it safe?" Park asked. "It was the only thing I had left to love. They tortured me each day and barely fed me. I had almost given up at that point. until I remembered that I still had a purpose. Finding you..." Bell replied. Park felt a tear roll down her eye. She hugged Bell. Bell once again streaked her very dark hair. Bell truly loved her and showed that it was true. "Bell, we need to get out of here." Park said. "They broke one of my legs but that'll be fine." Bell replied. Park smiled. She tied her scarf around her neck. She held Bell's hand and got out of the house. "We need to exfil quick." Park told Maxis. "Got it." Park called in exfil but after that, they got sprayed by bullets. Maxis tried to fend off the soldiers with Park but they were outnumbered. They took cover behind a truck. Bell also picked up a Diamatti and tried to help. "I know! TAACOM, Maxis requesting a Napalm strike over tangos. Make sure they are super Napalms as we are in a snow biome." Maxis said. "Smart." Park said. They shot some bullets at the enemy until the Napalm came in. The F-4 Phantom engines roared louder than a normal jet's engines. They dropped canisters of super Napalms over the enemies and wiped out them. Then, the SAS had arrived to pick them up. The three hurried over to the helicopter. They took off but then, a Soviet had shot off one of the propellers and killed the pilots. Park tried to steer it but her efforts didn't work. The bullets also caused a fire to stop on the top of the helicopter. Bell got launched out of the helicopter but Park grabbed him by the hand. "You have to let go!" Bell told Park. Maxis rushed over to try to help but it wasn't helping. "I lost you once but I won't lose you a second time!" Park said. "Trust me. Please, Park, I know you love me and I do too but this is the end. There isn't any turning back now. Let go." Bell softly told Park. Park and Maxis still tried to pull him but he let go. He plummeted towards the ground. "We've got to jump out! Maxis yelled. They both jumped out at a safe height and fell onto the ground. The helicopter exploded 50 meters away from them. Park, even though hurt, stood up and walked towards Maxis. She gave her a hand and got Maxis back on her feet."Let's go find your friend." Maxis said. Park searched around the area and spotted a body. "There!" The two rushed towards it and found Bell on the ground. "I'm alright," Bell said. Bell tried to get back up but couldn't. "I think both my legs are broken." "We'll get you to safety. I need you to hang in there ok?" Park said. Bell nodded. Park carried Bell on her back. "Don't worry I already called in another exfil." Maxis told Park. Then they got shot at. This time, they were more aggressive. Park mounted a mini-gun while the rest used their guns. Then, a soldier charged towards Park. He shot her in the arm, paralyzing her. Bell shot the soldier before he could finish her off. "Bell, thank you." "No need for that." Bell replied. Then, another soldier injured Bell in the leg. "FUCK!" Bell yelped. Park rushed over to Bell. "Are you ok?" "My leg hurts like hell." Bell replied. Park took out some bandages and wrapped them around his leg. "Our ride is here!" Maxis yelled. The helicopter came in this time with a machine gun killing all of the enemies in the area. "QUICK!!!" The SAS captain yelled. Park and Maxis carried Bell towards the helicopter. Once they got on, they took off. "You two did great." Park told Maxis and Bell. They smiled. They had gone through a tough time down there. But they were finally done with their jobs. Now they just have to wait until the helicopter reached a safe area.

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