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(Hey, editing guy here. I just wanted to explain something. So this fan-fic is supposed to be targeted towards young adults. But I didn't know if adding a scene where the couple were in bed together, was appropriate so I hesitated a lot, but I wanted to add it in because it would develop some character within the people. So I decided, fuck it, why not make the age restriction a little higher and add this in.)

(btw, when I say in bed together, I am not talking about pornographic writing or anything near those lines. It's actually disgusting that some people would put that inside their fan-fics.)

In an Apartment in West Berlin......

Park had her arms around Bell. They were comfy in bed in their Pajamas(Hey, don't criticize me for using words like pajamas. I couldn't think of any other word to use.). At least, one person. At this point, Bell was practically choking and was hyperventilating. Then he heard a ring. It was the telephone coming from the table. Bell sat up. "Please, Don't leave me," Park said. Bell turned around and looked at Park. She was half asleep. "I need to answer a call. I'll come back k? babe?" Park slightly nodded. He stood up and went to answer the phone. "Kept me waiting, no?" "I'm sorry Zakhaev, I was in bed," Bell replied. "It's fine Tovarish, good rest, more energy. But right now it is urgent." "What, another mole?" Bell joked. "Perseus infiltrated a KGB safehouse and stole multiple information about our plans and moles in Perseus. The good thing was it was all on a disc." Zakhaev told Bell. "I need you to hurry up and get to erasing the data from those discs before the traitors decrypt it." "On it," Bell replied. "Торопитесь и удачи." Zakhaev hung up. Bell launched up his PC. "I still think it's ironic for a KGB agent to have a relationship with an MI6 agent," Park said. "I also think it's ironic for me to be in a relationship with someone that brainwashed and tortured me. But of course, that doesn't stop me from loving you." Bell replied. Park got up and swung her arms around Bell's neck from behind the chair. "Whatcha trying to do?" Park asked. "Erasing data from a disc that Perseus stole from a KGB safe house," Bell replied. Park kissed Bell on the forehead. "Hope you succeed!" Park said. She went back to the bed and laid down.

1 hour later...

"Yes!!!" Bell said quietly. He had finally erased the data. He informed Zakhaev of this ad shut off his PC. Bell hopped back in bed and lightly kissed Park. Park smiled. Bell glanced at her beautiful ocean eyes. Bell streaked her smooth hair. They both then fell asleep.

(Phew, I'm finally done with this chapter. I kinda liked this chapter but at the same time, I thought it was weird. But there are literal people that write shit worse than this, so that's good.)

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