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I literally wrote this chapter and another one, but the website fucked up and DELETED IIIITTTTTT. I FUCKING HATE IT HERE I HAD TO START IT OVER-


"So what was with that guy? You guys seem cool like he didn't try to attack us a few months ago," Sarada said.

I chuckled. "Well, I think Shinori is just a good person that did some bad things. He's trying to be a better person and I respect that."

"So, you like him?"

"Uhm, in a way. I guess."

"Sounds like a case of Stockholm syndrome."

"I- maybe."


"We're back!"

"Hey," Shikamaru said. "How was training?"

"They did amazing," I said. "Where are Sasuke and Naru?"

"They're walking around the village and getting lunch."

"Yes, I'm starving! I want ramen- no wait. I want Katsudon!"

"We're back!" Nau exclaimed as he walked inside.

"Welcome back," I said.

"How was training?" Sasuke asked.

"How was Shinori?" Naruto asked.

"Good," Sarada said. "We fought these clone things and Shinori was cool, besides obviously being in love with ____."

Sasuke rolled his eyes and sat next to me. "I got you lunch."

"What'd you get me?"

"A salad, grapes, apple juice, and," he pulled out some type of bar. "This thing. The old man said it's healthy."


"Sasuke I swear if you bring me another Salad I'll shove t so far up your a-"

"Hey! Language!" Naruto exclaimed.

"She wants Katsudon," Sarada said with a chuckle.

"We can have that for dinner. At least eat the salad."

I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, we have to talk about the wedding and baby shower!" Sarada said.

"We decided to have the wedding after we have a baby," Sasuke said.

"Makes sense," Shikamaru said.

"Should we talk to Sakura soon?"

"Yea," Sasuke said.

"Talk to her about what?" Naruto asked.

"We had a fight," Sarada said with a sigh. "So they wanna talk to her."

"You sure that's a good idea?" Shika asked.

"It might be."


"Sasuke!" Sakura exclaimed. "Oh, and you too."

"Thanks for the warm welcome," I said before I walked past her and sat on the couch.

"I didn't invite you in."

"We need to talk," I said. "C'mon, Pinky."

Sasuke chuckled. "That name reminds me of when we were kids." He walked inside and sat next to me.

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