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Sasuke and I sat at the table, Sakura and Sarada sat across from us.

"So," Sarada said. "I wanted us all here together."

"Why?" Sakura said.

"Mom." Sarada turned and looked at her. "I want you to get along with dad and ____."

Sakura rolled her eyes. "I see you have good intentions, but I can't right now."

"I understand everything that has happened has hurt you," I said. "But-"

"Who told you to speak? This is a family matter," Sakura said.

"Actually mom, you're the one outside of the family," Sarada said. "And that's what I want to change. I want you guys to get along."

"It's just too soon for me," Sakura said. "I'm sorry, Sarada."

Sarada sighed as Sakura got up and left.

"I'm sorry," I said. "She'll come around eventually."

"If this keeps up, she might not come to the wedding," Sarada said. "I know you guys have a rough relationship, but I want her there."

"She can still come," Sasuke said. "Just give her some more time."

"It's been a long time," Sarada said.

"Well," Sasuke said. "There's still plenty of time before the wedding."

"Yeah," I said with a smile.

The twins began to cry, and Sasuke went to check on them.

Sarada sighed. "I just want us to be a family. I want you guys to get alone."

I smiled and reached across the table, and put my hand over hers. "Your mother will come around. There's no time limit on a broken heart, so try not to be so hard on her."

"You're right," Sarada sighed.


Sarada and I looked towards the living room.

"Naruto? What's up?"

"Are you okay!?" He exclaimed.

"I'm fine? What's going on?"

"Shinori's gone. He didn't check in today, so I had to make sure you were alright."

"He's probably just wandering around, getting fresh air. I'm okay," I said in a slightly confused tone.

Naruto sighed and sat on the couch. "Good. I'm gonna stay here for a while to make sure. okay? The real me is still at the office."

"So you're a clone?" Sarada said.

"Yup! Hey there," Naruto said as he gushed at the twins. Mikoto smiled and grabbed at his fingers, cooing at him.

I chuckled.

"You seem so calm," Sarada said. "He escaped. What if he comes for you again?"

"Nah. I'll be fine," I said. "I'm sure of it."

"It's your uncle Naruto," Naruto said as he played with the twins.

"Back up," Sasuke grumbled. "Before your idiocy spreads to my kids."

I smiled.

"Hey! Sarada looks up to me!"

"You're like a foot taller than her," Sasuke said while shaking his head. "Of course she does."

"They're funny," Sarada said.


That night, I sat in the nursery with Sakumo and Mikoto.

"You're not worries he will come?" Sasuke said as he walked in with their blankets, fresh from the dryer.

"Nah," I said. "I doubt it, and if he does, it won't be for a dangerous reason."

"How can you be sure?" Sasuke said as he laid the blankets in the crib.

I shrugged. "I just am. I doubt he'll try to do anything, knowing that you're here to kill him." I chuckled.

"Yeah," Sasuke muttered.


Sakura sat at a bench, right at the entrance of the village.

"What do you want, pinky?" Shinori walked over to her.

"Ya know," Sakura said. "This is where Sasuke left me, twice. The first time, we were genin. He called me annoying and knocked me out. The second time, he left for his journey."

"Yeah, that's real touching," he said dryly. "What do you want?"

"I want your help," she said. "We're in the same boat. We both love someone we can't have."

"So? I've been getting help. I'm getting better."

"I'd beg to differ." Sakura held up that pair of black panties Shinori kept hidden in his room.

"You went into my house?"

"___ always keeps a spare key in the dirt, right by the front door."

"What do you want?" Shinori said.

"Your help," Sakura said. "I've thought of a number of plans. We could get together and make them jealous. We could try to break them up. Or," she paused. "You can take her, and leave this place forever."

Shinori stared down at her. "I can't do that."

"Oh," she scoffed. "So now you're above kidnapping?" She stood up and shoved him.

"Sakura," Shinori said as he grabbed her hands. "I understand more than anyone the pain you're feeling, but this isn't the way. We're better than this."

Sakura scoffed. "You sound just like her! So damn high and mighty after everything that's happened!"

"You need to calm down. Take some time away. Maybe even take a vacation."

"What I need is this." Then, she pressed her lips against his. 

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