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"Thunder breathing. First form. Thunder clap and flash; six fold!"

I.... refuse to be killed by such weak beings!!

At the same moment that Zenitsu launched his attack, Giyuu charged at the demon, ready to try tearing his head off. Zenitsu's attack landed, but not on its exact target. Instead of hitting the sun demon's neck, it simply left a cut on his back, and Giyuu only ended up tearing off another limb, which instantly regenerated. Inosuke charged in immediately after, aiming both blades at the demons neck. The demon grinned.

"Blood demon art. Blazing hell rods!" From out of nowhere, dark red shards as thick as a (soda) can formed, igniting themselves in flames and shooting out in all directions. Inosuke ended up having to change his attack to a defensive form to try deflecting all the shards being shot at him. Zenitsu tried running away from some, only to be hit by others. Giyuu was pierced by some, and he and Zenitsu were set aflame. Before any can hit Tanjiro, Giyuu ran over and acted as a shield, making sure not to get to close to Tanjiro so he didn't set the injured demon slayer on fire.

"Grrrr... rrrrgg," he complained, flinching from the pain and the fire.

"G-Giyuu... san..!" Tanjiro gripped the hilt of his sword, slowly trying to stand, but struggling greatly. I can't let anyone else get hurt! Tanjiro forced himself up, then set his eyes on his target. Focus. Use your breathing to stop the bleeding. Build your stamina.

"Water breathing. First form. Water surface slash!" He aimed directly at Kikotei's neck, but the second the blade touched the demon, it was set on fire. Inosuke appeared back and also aimed an attack at the demon's neck. This time, the demon leaped away, disappearing into the house.

"Blood demon art. Scorching dragon breath!!" In a matter of seconds, the house was set a blaze, the stench of burning flesh filling the air, and the sun demon's scent disappearing.

"Damn that bastard! He fled!" Inosuke was clearly disappointed. Tanjiro wasn't paying attention.

"Giyuu-san! Giyuu-san! G-Giyuu-san, please get up!" The boy knelt over Giyuu, who was lying motionless on the ground, bleeding out from the stab wounds an covered in burns.

"Owwwww why does my whole body huuurrtttt." Zenitsu had woken up and immediately started complaining. "It feels like someone threw my body into a- GYAHHHHH WHY IS THAT HOUSE ON FIRE?!?!" Zenitsu began to freak out, but then stopped when he noticed Tanjiro. He quickly ran over. "Tanjiro, what happened?"

"G-Giyuu-san... That demon... We need to get back as soon as possible so Aoi-chan and Shinobu-san can check Giyuu-san's wounds."

"... Aren't you at all worried about yourself?..."

"And you too, Zenitsu! You and Inosuke were also hurt pretty bad, so we need to hurry up and get back!" Thank goodness the sun is setting. If not, we would have to wait so we could travel without leaving Giyuu-san behind. Tanjiro stood, lifting Giyuu up and over his shoulder. Tomioka's eyes opened again, and he glanced around to take in his surroundings. Realizing they were still at the battlefield, he jumped back. "Ah-! Giyuu-san you're awake!" Tanjiro turned back to the demon. Zenitsu decided he would go check on Inosuke, leaving to two alone.

"Nnngg..." Tomioka clearly seemed unhappy that Tanjiro was worrying more about him (Giyuu) then himself (Tan). Zenitsu and Inosuke worked in the background to put the fire out. Giyuu walked forward and picked Tanjiro up.

"Ehh?! G-Giyuu-san!!" The demon slayer seemed a bit flustered by the sudden action. "P-please set me down, I can walk on my own, I swear!" Lies. Tomioka refused to set him down. Tanjiro was about to try again but then stopped, looking out towards the sunset. "It's so beautiful from up here," he said in a dazed tone. Giyuu gazed down at Tanjiro, clearly more stunned by him than the view of the sunset. Admiration filled his empty eyes as he stared at the younger demon slayer.

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