Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

2012 Long Island

As I grew older, I continued to receive more training. I was now able to walk around parts of the compound that I was currently stationed at freely. Other parts, such as the 2nd floor, I was forbidden to go there. The one time I tried, I ended up with a 5-inch scar on my back for punishment. Never tried that again. Hydra could not blame me though; I was a curious child and stubborn. But I knew my place.

12 years under the hand of Hydra. I knew what I had to do. I was given missions and had to accomplish them with no questions asked. They kept telling me "Hydra is true. Hydra is good. Hail Hydra." I never argued. But inside I knew Hydra was evil. I heard stories of the events Hydra had been behind. But the one thing that kept that feeling alive was when they put my father in that machine. When they treated him like an animal.

I did not see my father often. Sometimes I got worried that he was actually dead as I would go months without seeing him. My fears would be put to ease once I heard the whispers of Hydra preparing for the Winter Soldier. What scared me the most was that he would forget about me. I now knew that machine wiped his memory. I was scared for the moment I would walk in that room, and instead of the love I saw on his face, it would be confusion or even nothing. So far that had not happened. Whatever that mission did to my father, could not wipe the known memory he had a daughter. And that daughter being me.

As I lay in my cot, it had been 4 months since I last saw him. My days were always the same. Wake up, go to training, come back to my room, and do missions. Hydra trained me in hand-to-hand combat, knife fighting, and even target practice with guns. I was a child soldier.

I often thought about what life would be like outside of Hydra. Living a normal life like the people do that I see outside of the compound. While I was searching for my target, I often observed families. Fathers taking their children to school or playing catch with a football. It hurt seeing other people live out my dream. To be honest, I did not really know my father. I did not know his name, except the title given to him of Winter Soldier. But with the moments I did share with him, I knew he cared about me. Every time he promised, "I will get you at of here." I knew it might be an empty promise, but it still met the world.

My mind wondered back to the present as the sound of keys in my door reached my ears.

I got up out of my cot and stood at attention. The door opened and in walked Captain Mitchell as I had moved compounds leaving Captain Antonov in Iran.

"At ease Violet. I have a mission for you. I need to you to find the location of this target and figure out his plans." Captain Mitchell hands me a file. I look it over and hand it back to him.

"Yes Sir. I am ready to comply." Captain Mitchell nods and leaves the room.

He seems off. I thought as I grabbed my things and headed out of the compound. It was like he was in a hurry or had a lot on his mind. Often assigning missions were not that...quick.

I exited the building I was being held in. Unlike Iran, it was not a compound. It was more of an abandoned factory in Long Island. I waved a Taxi and made my way to Brooklyn where the target was last spotted.

The more missions I completed; the more Hydra trusted me. I was given money to use for resources such as on taxis. I mean, I had run countless of missions the past 12 years and never screwed up. I was important. I was smart and fast. Good fighter. Hydra couldn't keep me locked up forever.

The car ride to the location was quite minus the radio being played in the background. Some classical music was being played. I just stared out the window watching the buildings go by. I tried to not let myself daydream. It would often put me in a mood that would distract me from performing well for my missions.

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