Chapter 19

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*Note this is going to be a shorter chapter and does a lot of time jumps as I need to set up for the next part of the book. I apologize if this isn't your style and it felt rushed, but I hope you will enjoy it either way.*


Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. If I were talk about everything that happened during my first few months at Midtown, it would take forever.

To put it was wonderful. It was almost everything I had ever dreamed and more than I had ever imagined back when I was with Hydra. If you had told me my life would have ended up likes this 4 years ago, I would have not believed you.

You could say I was finally happy. I was finally happy with who I was. I was surrounded by such a loving family. Steve was the best second dad I could have asked for. He always made time for me even among his busy schedule as an Avenger. If I ever need to talk to him about something whether it was about my day or venting about school or feeling myself slipping back into the darkness of anxiety and depression, he was there. He was always there to scoop me out of it with his strong arms and loving heart. I never could find the words to tell Steve how grateful I was for him. He was my dad. He saved my life, in more ways than one. I still missed my daddy, but I knew he would want me to be happy. And deep down I knew that one day I would see him again. I knew I had to focus on what I had not on what I was lacking.

The rest of the team, they gave me a feeling that I actually belong somewhere. That I was wanted. That I could contribute something good to this world. 

Wanda...she was literally the bestest friend you could ever ask for. It was an added plus she knew the exact emotions that I felt regarding Hydra. We understood each other. Sometimes words didn't need to be spoken. I would sometimes, knock at her door late at night upset, and she immediately wrap me in a blanket and turn on a sitcom no matter what the hour. She was strong, funny, caring, and encouraging. One of my favorite things that we spent time doing was spilling our boy tea. I would share about Peter. And well...Wanda would share about Vision. I had seen it coming for a long time now. They often would be disappearing for hours then show up randomly together. Sometimes, Vision would float through the walls while I was with Wanda. I could see the looks they stole at one another. Honestly, I quite didn't understand that one, but I, being the supportive friend I am, listened to every word she said and hoped the best for her.

Nat and Sam...literally the best aunt and uncle in the world. I think my favorite thing about Sam was Redwing. Redwing was literally the coolest thing I laid eyes ever. I would so steal it from him if I could. Pretty sure Sam liked him more than me. Didn't blame him. Redwing was fire. It was his pride and joy. When his focus wasn't on Redwing, Sam would help me with school projects such as building the Rude Goldberg I had to do for my science class. He also began teaching me how to drive. We figured Steve nor Tony wouldn't be the best choice. I tried getting him to teach me how to fly his wings, but sadly that did not go my way. He was very patient with me as I learned to drive a car, though of course he always had to tease me if I began to speed or almost cause a car accident, which I never actually ended up doing.

Nat, the best times I spent with her were training. We both had a competitive spirit so fighting each other always turned into a good show for whoever was watching. Speaking of competitiveness, playing board games with Nat was also a great source of entertainment. She would get so angry at the dice especially if they were like one number away from what she wanted. Eventually, we had to hang up a punching bag in the corner of the living room for her to use whenever things didn't go according to plan. When we weren't trying to out do each other, we spent time at the river and pretty much talk about anything. Nat was the type of person that you felt so comfortable around and didn't need to be afraid of how she would respond to what you just said. She might throw in a snarky comment here and there, but she really was such a source of encouragement, laughter, and deep thoughts.

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