Chapter 11

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I almost screamed. Thankfully, I fought it back.

Everyone was there. Tony, Nat, Hill, Sam, Thor, Clint, Dr. Cho, Tony's friend James, and a bunch of other people I didn't know where standing in a semi-circle with their hands up in the air and big grins on their faces.

"Happy Birthday Violet!" Everyone cheered as I put my hand to my mouth.

I looked around the lounge center. There was a big banner in the middle of room that read, "Happy 15th Birthday Violet!" There was balloons and streamers decked out everywhere. The room was filled with white, purple, and light blue colors. On the bar table there were some gifts as well as a cake.

I finally realized people were waiting for me to speak. I could not help it as a tear trickled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away. "I promise it's happy tears. I never expected anything like this. Thanks you guys," I wiped a couple more tears away. "I promise. Happy tears."

Everyone laughed. Tony stepped up as he raised a gas of champagne he had in his hand. "Happy Birthday Kid! Tonight we celebrate your birth and the success of our recent missions. All thanks to you! We couldn't have done it with out you." Tony stated.

"Here! Here!" Thor cheered as he raised a bottle of his own special beverage. "Three cheers for Ninja Girl!"

"To Ninja Girl!" The room shouted as they raised their glasses.

I blushed. "I don't have anything to toast with!" I exclaimed as everyone took a sip of their drinks.

Sam walked over to me with a glass of liquid that I recognized right away. "Sorry a little behind, but mountain dew for the birthday girl." He handed me the glass, and I took a sip.

Everyone cheered as they took another drink. "Jarvis drop the beat." Tony ordered and the room was filled with party music. People began to disperse from the center and began mingling with each other.

I sat the glass down at a table and embraced Sam. "I have missed you! It is great seeing you Sam!" I said.

He squeezed me back. "I missed you too munchkin. You haven't been giving Steve too much trouble, have you?"

I giggled. "No way. I am a perfect child."

Sam gave me a look. "Uh huh sure. I am going to have to talk to Steve about that. I know he will be honest with me." I rolled my eyes at him as Sam walked over to Steve.

I grabbed my drink and headed over to where Nat was sitting on the couch with James and Bruce.

They smiled as they see me walk up. "You look stunning tonight birthday girl." Bruce said as he made room for me on the couch.

"Aww thank you. Nat got me the dress today. Which by the way, I absolutely adore." I beamed.

Nat blushed as Bruce turned to her. "Just wanted the birthday girl to feel extra special today." I observed the looks being passed between Nat and Bruce. Something is brewing there for sure. I thought to myself.

James held out his hand. "I don't think we have officially meant, but it is nice to finally meet you Violet. I am James Rhodes." I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you James. You are the War Machine correct?" I asked.

James straightened up in his chair at the mention of this superhero name. "Yes I am. Here any good stories about me? I am sure whatever Tony has said about me isn't true." The group laughed.

"I have not heard any good stories! You must tell me some." I said politely.

"Well, if you insist." James began to tell us one of his many War Machine Stories. One story turned to another. I couldn't bring myself to stand up. He was having such a great time telling his stories, I felt rude to interrupt.

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