Chapter 12

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Steve flew across the room as a suit crashed into him. "STEVE!" I screamed as dove behind the couch.

The sound of glass shattering, guns firing, canons blasted, and wood splintering filled my ears.

I hid behind the couch. I could feel panic rising in my chest. I closed my eyes.

"Violet you get somewhere safe now!" I heard Steve yell from across the room.

I peeked from behind the couch. There were Iron Soldiers everywhere. The group had dispersed. Tony had jumped on top of one and had begun stabbing it with a sharp object. Thor was busy hitting one with his hammer. I could not see Nat or Bruce. It was chaos. I looked for Ultron. He had not moved. Watching.

I quickly dart back behind the couch as Ultron's eyes fell on me.

"Violet. Get out now!" Steve yelled once more.

No. I can help. I closed my eyes trying to remember where I left my stuff. My mask was on the ground as the table had been flipped by Steve to block a blast. And my bow was leaning against the corner about 10 paces to my left. I took a deep breath and open my eyes with determination.

I scooted to the end of the couch and peaked out. There it was. My mask was laying on the ground a few feet away. I nodded my head. You got this Violet.

I dashed out from behind couch and grabbed the mask, placing it on my eyes.

"Violet! Behind you!" I heard Nat call out.

Without even thinking, I grabbed the broken leg of the table, spun around, and swung it with all my might.


It came in direct contact with the head of an Iron Soldier. It powered off.

"Nice hit!" Vira said in my ear. "There are about 5 more bogies." I could see the full scan of the room. The path to my bow was clear. I darted over the corner. I quickly put the quiver around my shoulder, placed an arrow in the string, and aimed my bow.

Steve had jumped off the balcony onto the back of one of the Iron Soldier's trying to bring them down. I closed one eye and focused on the neck of it as there was exposed wires.

With one breath, I released the arrow. It sailed across the room and landed in the neck. Steve took a quick glance at me, grabbed the arrow, and stabbed it one more time bringing the suit down.

I took a sweep of the room. One was making its way over to Bruce. I knew the danger we would be in if he turned green. I loaded an electrical arrow in my bow, aimed, and fired. It hit the suit in the neck. Electricity traveled down its body short circuiting its wires.

"Steve!" Clint called. I turned toward his voice. Clint picked up Steve's shield and threw it at him. With one swift motion, he caught it and threw it toward my direction.

I quickly ducked. I turned to see Steve had thrown it at a suit that was behind me, preparing to fire. It tumbled to the ground with a crash, the shield embedded in it's chest. Steve ran over and pulled it out. "I thought I told you to get out of here." He said sternly. I could tell he was angry.

I glared at him. Another suit was firing at Nat who was on the stairwell. I quickly fired an arrow at it, bringing it down. I turned back to Steve. "I can help!"

I turned away from Steve and scanned the room. Tony had just brought down the last suit. It was deadly quiet. Everyone turned their focus back to Ultron.

Ultron turned toward us. "That was dramatic. I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve?" Ultron bent over and picked up a suit that had been smashed in half by Thor's hammer. "With these? These puppets." He crushed the head and threw the body at Tony's feet. I tightened my grip on my bow, preparing to fire at any second. "There is only one path to peace. The Avenger's extinction."

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