Chapter 9

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As the months went by with me staying with Steve, I began to open up with the rest of the Avengers on what I knew about Hydra. I often would join Steve in the meetings and would relay information that I would remember. Tony was especially appreciated.

I had less nightmares now but would still have them every once in a while. When this did occur, I would just turn over in my bed to have my eyes face the picture of my dad. I would rub his dog tags with my hands until I fell asleep again.

I also started school again. Steve had gotten me all the books I needed as well as my own computer. Steve had signed me up for an online school. Tony also insisted I needed to get a phone which he bought for me. It was not a flip phone like Steve's. It was an iPhone 6s Plus. I did not have many contacts in it, although I did have Clint's, Nat's, Tony's, Pepper's, Steve's, Bruce's, and a few other Avenger stuff members. I guess that makes up for having no friends my age. Like whom else could say they had Iron Man's phone number?

When Steve was off doing Avenger stuff, I often would ride my bike over to Peggy's and do my homework. Once I finished, I would run errands for Peggy and help with housecleaning. I insisted on doing it for free, but Peggy would not let me argue insisted I didn't get paid for it, but Peggy wouldn't let me argue with her. She said it was good for a young teenager like me to make some money. I guess I could not complain. Money is very helpful.

I was at Peggy's working on homework when my phone went off. I looked at it and saw that Steve was calling me.

"Hey Steve. What's up?" I answered.

"Are you at Peggy's?" Steve asked.

"Hmm. Why?"

"We need you to come to the tower. We have a mission for you." I almost dropped the phone. I have a mission for you. I hadn't heard those words uttered in a long time. Not...not since Hydra. I stood in the kitchen silent. "Violet...can you hear me?"

I shook my head and regained my focus. "Sorry ya I can. A mission? Like with you? As a Avenger?" I had been continuing my training with Clint and Nat. They both stated I was excelling in archery and hand to hand combat. I was also able to help teach them some knife skills as that was the main area Hydra had trained me on. I honestly never really thought about being an Avenger. But now that Steve had mentioned it, I got excited.

Steve chuckled. "Violet, you are still 14. There is no way I am going to let you run missions with us. We are not Hydra. But...we do need you to help in the command post. We have a really big mission coming up. We shall fill you in when you get here."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Even though it was exciting thinking about myself as an Avenger, I was more relieved I would not be fighting. I wasn't ready to actually be back running real missions. Training was different. Plus, it would be kinda cool to wear a headset and help in command. "Alright. I shall be there soon." I hang up and walk into the living room. Peggy was sitting on the couch watching her favorite tv show. "Hey, I got to go Peggy. Steve needs me at the tower. Are you going to be alright till aid shows up?" I asked.

When I or Steve wasn't with Peggy, a nice woman came and help take care of her as Peggy was slowing down with her age. "Okay dear. I shall be fine. Give Steve my best." She said with a warm smile.

I nodded. "I shall. See you tomorrow!" I grabbed my books and stuffed them in my backpack. I closed Peggy's door behind and raced outside to my bike. I clipped on my helmet and put in my earphones that were connected to my phone. I turned it on and went to Spotify. I scrolled through my playlist.

While in Hydra, I never was given the opportunity to listen to music like a normal kid. When I began to live with Steve, my world opened up so much. I began to explore different music groups. My personal favorites at the moment was this boyband called One Direction and an artist named Shawn Mendes.

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