Part 5

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Hobi didn't told anyone about his six new friends because when he makes promises he never breaks them , he waited patiently for next month to meet them ,

A day before meeting them , Hobi was playing tag with his village friends and when they decided to go back home ,

' Hyungs Noonas I will not be coming tomorrow so don't come to my house to pick me up ' Hobi said ,

' Why Hobi ' Everyone asked ,

' I will be helping mom tomorrow ' Hobi said ,

' Ooh ' Everyone said and then went back home after dropping Hobi on his house ,

Next day Hobi went to the woods ,

The six boys were desperately waiting to meet Hobi , they were dying to meet Hobi but they also had a lot of works and training to do on daily basis ,

Jin was getting trained how to become a perfect king for their kingdom ,

Namjoon and Taehyung were getting trained to be with their brother in every worst situation , despite of getting the title of king they are as powerful as a king ,

Yoongi , Jimin and Jungkook were getting trained to protect Jin , Namjoon and Taehyung ,

Now tomorrow is the day they will finally meet Hobi , they were very excited ,

' Jin hyung we have to pack extra food for Hobi ' Jungkook said ,

' We will tell Mother to pack extra food during dinner time ' Jin said ,

During dinner ,

' Mother can you pack extra food for tomorrow ' Jin asked ,

' Ofcourse son ' Queen kim said ,

' But can I ask you why you need extra food ' she asked ,

' For Ho~ ' Taehyung got cut off by Jimins hand on his mouth ,

' Mother we get very hungry due to playing so we need more food ' Jimin said ,

Everyone glared at Taehyung , he almost  reveal their secret but due to Jimin they were saved ,

After having dinner they went to their rooms and slept early so they can wake up early in the morning ,

Next day all of them wake up really early in the morning , they packed fruits also that their mother didn't know ,

After breakfast they got on the carriage and started heading toward their destination ,

When they reached near the lake ,

' So Tae , Jimin and Jungkook , you three are going to bring Hobi here while we will arrange everything here ' Jin said ,

' Tae , Jimin , Jungkook do all of you still remember the directions , we don't want all of you to be lost in this woods instead of bringing Hobi ' Namjoon said ,

' Don't worry hyung , I know the direction instead of these two idiots ' Jungkook said proudly but got hit by Taehyung and Jimin on back of his head ,

' We are not idiots we are older then you and we also know the direction ' They both said ,

' ok ok fine ' Jungkook said rubbing the back of his head ,

' Hurry up and go , otherwise Hobi will get lost in the woods again ' Yoongi said ,

Jimin , Tae and Jungkook nodded and then went to bring Hobi  . Jin , Yoongi and Namjoon started arranging everything ,

Hobi went into the woods and started going to the place where he last saw his six friends , when he reached the place as he remembered , he saw nobody there ,

' Are they going to come ' Hobi thought to himself and pouted , but then he heard the noise of  someone shouting , he went to the direction of the noise and saw Jimin , Tae and Jungkook shouting at each other , Hobi got happy seeing them and ran to them ,

' Chimmy hyung , TaeTae hyung , Kookie hyung ' Hobi said smiling at them ,

Tae , Jimin and Jungkook stopped shouting and smiled at the little squirrel hybrid infront of them ,

' Hug time ' Hobi said opening his arms for a hug ,

Tae , Jimin and Jungkook bend down and hugged Hobi at the same time , All of them smiled in the hug ,

' Why you all were shouting ' Hobi asked ,

' We were having a conversation about whom you will choose when you get older , I said that you will  definitely choose me , Tae said you will choose him and Jungkook said you will choose him ' Jimin explained ,

' Ok ' Hobi said ,

' Where are the others ' Hobi asked ,

' They are arranging everything , let's show you our secret hideout ' Taehyung said ,

Jungkook grabbed Hobi's hand and then they started heading toward their hideout ,

When they reached the lake , Hobi got amazed by the beautiful sight infront of him ,

' Hyungs this place is very beautiful ' Hobi said ,

' That's why it's our hideout  Hobi '  Jungkook said smiling at Hobi ,

They saw Jin , Yoongi and Namjoon sitting under a tree and everything was already arranged , Hobi went to them and hugged all of them , Jimin , Tae and Jungkook also sat near them ,

' Hobi come sit ' Suga said patting at space between him and Namjoon  ,

Hobi then sat there , Jin started surveying the food , Hobi mouth watered seeing the delicious and variety of food that he had never tried before ,

' Jinnie Hyung the food smells really delicious ' Hobi said ,

Jin smiled and then gave food to Hobi , then all of them started eating , Suga pinching Hobi's cheeks everyone now and then ,

After eating all of them felt a little sleepy and thought of taking a nap ,

' Lay your head on my lap Hobi ' Jin said ,

Hobi then layed Down and put his head on Jin's lap and closed his eyes , Jin stroked his hair to help him sleep , soon Hobi's breathing slowed and he went to sleep ,

All of them awed seeing sleeping Hobi , so cute so squishy , they just  want to take him with them and be with him forever but they knew it's not possible due to their kingdom , they are still happy to see Hobi once a month ,

' We should kidnap him and take him with us ' Jimin suggested ,

' I agree with you ' Tae said ,

' Are you both out of your mind , he has a family who are waiting for him to come , we can't just take him with us ' Namjoon said ,

' Namjoon is right ' Suga said ,

' Ok , we are sorry for thinking such things ' Jimin and Tae said ,

They didn't slept , they just watched Hobi sleeping peacefully ,

After an hour  , they thought of waking Hobi cause he needs to get back home ,

' Hobi wakeup time to go back home ' Jin said shaking Hobi ,

Hobi wake up rubbing his eyes ,

' Ok Hyung ' Hobi said ,

All of them then stood up and went to drop him , they cracked some jokes and had some funny conversations , they went to the very end of the woods to drop Hobi , all of them hid behind a tree so nobody can see them ,

' Bye Hyungs see you all next week ' Hobi said hugging all of them  ,

' Bye Hobi , go straight to home now ' All of them said waving at him ,

Then Hobi ran to his home satisfied meeting his Jinnie hyung , Joonie Hyung , Yoonie Hyung , Taetae hyung , Chimmy Hyung and Kookie Hyung .

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