Part 17

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When the sun was about to set they went to a lake and the lake water was crystal clear , Hoseok could easily see the fishes in the water ,

The scenery was indeed very beautiful , due to sunset everything was covered in orange hue , Hoseok has never seen such  beautiful scene ,

Taehyung ran into the water and started splashing water toward them , thanks to God water was not cold , Jungkook ran and wrapped his hands around Taehyung's shoulder dipping him in the water making everyone laugh ,

All of them then ran into the lake and started playing with the water ,

They came back during dinner time , King and Queen were waiting for them and when they saw the seven boys drenched in water Queen Kim gasped but King Kim started laughing ,

' Quickly go to your rooms and change otherwise all of you would catch cold ' Queen Kim said in a stern voice ,

' Hurry up ' She again said making the seven boys ran to their room giggling ,

Queen Kim also went upstairs to dry Hoseok hair and tail cause that little squirrel can't dry his tail and hair by himself , Queen Kim knew that Jin and the others would love to dry Hoseok but she wanted to do it herself ,

In such a short time Hoseok has created a strong bond with Queen Kim and King Kim ,

After changing to nightwear and drying themselves , they went to the dinning room where everything was already served , they sat down and dig straight into the food ,

' Did you enjoyed Hobi ' Queen Kim asked ,

' Yes mother , I enjoyed a lot they even taught me how to ride a horse ' Hoseok said joyfully ,

' That's a great thing son , you and me would go on a horse riding then ' She said smiling ,

' OK Mother ' Hoseok said stuffing his mouth with food ,

After having dinner they went to Jin's bedroom ,

Hoseok was exhausted so he quickly layed on the bed drifting off to dreamland after saying goodnight to his lovers , others also joined him , they also drifted off to sleep when their body hit the comfortable bed ,

Next morning ,

Jin , Jimin , Taehyung , Namjoon , Yoongi and Jungkook wake up early to leave , Hoseok is still sleeping peacefully ,

Jimin was about to wake Hoseok but Jin stopped him ,

' Don't wake him ' Jin said ,

Jimin looked at him with a confused expression ,

' I know he is definitely going to cry when we leave , it was very difficult for me when we left Yesterday and I know I couldn't be able to leave after seeing his tear filled eyes and sad face , so in my opinion we should let him sleep , Mother will wake him up after we leave ' Jin said to which everyone gave an understanding nod ,

' Let's write an apology letter for him ' Yoongi suggested ,

Jin sat on the table and everyone gathered around him , Jin took out a blank paper and started writing ,

' Let's go it's already time ' Namjoon said ,

Jin folded the letter and put it inside an envelope ,

Everyone kissed Hoseok's forehead and said their goodbyes ,

' Love you Hyungs ' Hoseok said in his sleep ,

' Love you too Hobi ' All of them said leaving the room with heavy hearts ,

They closed the door and then went downstairs where King and Queen Kim were waiting for them ,

' Where is Hobi sons ' Queen Kim asked ,

' He is still sleeping ' They said ,

' Isn't he going to say his goodbyes to his lovers ' She asked ,

' We can't see him in a broken state again , if we see him cry again we can't be able to leave ' Jin explained ,

King and Queen Kim nodded and walked them outside where the carriage was already present ,

' Have a safe journey sons ' King Kim said ,

' And don't skip meals ' Queen Kim said , she was already in tears , when they were babies they would always cling to her never leaving her side and now look at them they all are grown ups who are capable to run their kingdom ,

' Be safe ' Queen Kim said hugging each one of them ,

Jin gave a letter to Queen Kim ,

' Mother give this letter to Hobi when he wakes up ' Jin said ,

' OK son ' Queen Kim said ,

Jin and the others sat on the carriage starting their journey to their training camp ,

Three hours later Queen Kim went to Jin's room to wake Hoseok ,

' Son wake up ' She said gently shaking Hoseok ,

Hoseok opened his eyes and yawned looking at Queen Kim ,

' Good morning mother ' Hoseok said sitting up in the bed ,

' Good morning son ' She said ,

' Where are Jinnie hyung , Joonie hyung , Yoonie hyung , Chimmy hyung , Tae Tae Hyung and Kookie hyung ' Hoseok asked ,

' They have already left Hobi ' She answered ,

' Don't joke Mother ' Hoseok said thinking that she was joking ,

' I am not joking and they have left a letter for you Hobi ' She said giving Hoseok the envelope ,

Hoseok quickly opened the envelope taking out the letter and started reading it ,

Dear Hobi ,

We are really sorry for not waking you up , we know you must be angry but we can't see you tearing up when we leave , seeing you in such broken state would scatter our hearts into million pieces , don't dare to cry and always keep smiling our little squirrel baby , we will send you letters every week and never forget We LOVE YOU MORE THEN OUR LIVES SUNSHINE ,

Yours Jinnie , Joonie ,
Chimmy , Taetae , Kookie ,
Yoonie .

A tear rolled down from Hoseok's cheeks and fell on the letter ,

' I will not cry and always smile for my Hyungs ' Hoseok said and then smiled brightly ,

' Good boy ' Queen Kim said ,

' Hobi change your clothes and let's go to have breakfast  ' Queen said ,

Hoseok nodded and then changed his clothes ,

Queen Kim and Hoseok went to the dinning room where King Kim was waiting for them , they sat down on their seats ,

' Hobi you told us yesterday that you learnt horse riding , it's nice weather today why not you , me and my lovely wife go for a horse riding ' King Kim asked ,

' That's a great idea ' Hoseok and Queen Kim said at the same time and then laughed about how they answered at the same time .

After breakfast they went to the stables for their horses , Hoseok has already wore a cloak and chooses Jin's horse because Jin's horse has become Hoseok's friend ,

Then they get on their horses , King Kim helped Hoseok to get on his horse ,

' Let's go ' King Kim said ,

' Let's go ' Hoseok copies ,

' Let's go ' Queen Kim also copies them making Hoseok laugh ,

Hoseok and Queen Kim followed King Kim , few knights were also with them for their safety ,

Frankly saying King Kim hasn't decided any destination , he just want to spend this day with his wife and Hoseok leaving all his stress and burden .

There's only one happiness in this life , to love and be loved .

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