Part 29

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Within a week King Kim prepared everything , everyone in the predator kingdom were being told that a big secret will be revealed by their King at the end of the week , everyone are being curious to know about the secret ,

On the other hand Hoseok is very nervous , he is constantly thinking but all his thought are negative , he is paranoid if the people don't accept him and even pass harsh comments toward King and Queen , Hoseok is OK if he's not accepted but he doesn't want anything bad for his lovers or the lovely King and Queen who supported him from the beginning ,

' Don't worry baby , everything will go well ' Taehyung said running  his hands through Hoseok's hair ,

Hoseok is lying on the bed with his head on Taehyung's lap and others surrounding him because Hoseok is really stressed out and couldn't sleep ,

' I'm afraid that they wouldn't accept me ' Hoseok said ,

' Nothing going to go wrong ' Jungkook said planting a kiss on Hoseok's cheek ,

' We will do everything you just have to stay with us without any fear ' Namjoon said ,

' If they dare to say anything bad about you , I'm going to show them how hell looks before they die ' Yoongi said sarcastically ,

' And after we came back I will make all of your favorite food ' Jin said ,

' Now close your beautiful eyes and go to sleep , we don't want you to look exhausted tomorrow ' Jimin said pinching Hoseok's cheek ,

Hoseok smiled looking at his lovers , he stood up and pecked their lips making a last wish that everything goes well before falling asleep ,

Next day Queen Kim dolled up Hoseok putting a beautiful crystal tiara on his fluffy brown hair ,

King and Queen has already left , Queen Kim told Hoseok to not get scared and be confident because he's going to be the mated to the future ruler of Predator Kingdom ,

Hoseok , Jin , Jimin , Jungkook , Taehyung , Namjoon and Yoongi are right now in their carriage but this time Hoseok is with Jimin , Jungkook and Taehyung because this time they won at rock paper scissors ,

' How long will it take us to get there ' Hoseok asked ,

' Almost there Hobi ' Jimin said as he moved the curtain of the carriage window ,

Hoseok also peeked through the curtains only to see a very big crowd of people and infront of them was a big stage  where King and Queen were already sitting on their throne and seven more empty seats were also beside them where they probably going to sit ,

Seeing all these people was making Hoseok lose his cool , he started getting goosebumps ,

Suddenly Hoseok was pulled in a warm hug by Jungkook ,

' Relax ' Jungkook said ,

Hoseok closed his eyes and nodded ,

Hoseok opened his eyes when their carriage came at hault ,

Carriage door opened and they came out of it , they are at the back of the stage as instructed by King Kim , no civilians were there as per King Kim's order , now they have to wait there till King Kim calls them ,

King Kim and Queen Kim are looking at the big crowd of people who were desperately waiting to know about what was going to be revealed , King Kim was also little nervous but he knows what's best for Hoseok and his other sons ,

A Knight came and informed them about Hoseok , Jin , Jimin , Jungkook , Taehyung , Namjoon and Yoongi's arrival , King Kim hummed and then told the knight to bring them here ,

After a minute loud gasps could be heard coming from the people , King and Queen Kim looked at their right side and saw Jin , Jimin , Jungkook , Taehyung , Namjoon and Yoongi coming with Hoseok who was tightly hugging the side of Namjoon's arm containing a nervous look ,

The crowd of people were shocked looking at boy who was coming with their Prince , they have never seen anyone like him , so beautiful but he has a tail and by the look of it they can tell he is a squirrel hybrid cause Predator Kingdom people were well educated about the prey kingdom and about all of its hybrids ,

King and Queen Kim stood up , Hoseok , Jin , Jimin , Jungkook , Taehyung , Namjoon and Yoongi firstly bowed at them ,

' Have your seat sons ' King Kim said ,

Queen Kim grabbed Hoseok hand and made him sit beside her , Jimin sat beside Hoseok , Namjoon and Jungkook sat alongside Jimin ,

Jin , Yoongi and Taehyung sat alongside King Kim ,

King Kim is still standing as he is now going to give a speech to clear everything to his people , he took a few steps forward ,

' Thank you everyone for coming today and I think all of you have already guessed about the secret ' King Kim said ,

' So today we have a very special guest here ' King Kim said ,

King Kim looked behind and smiled at Hoseok , he outstretched his hand for Hoseok , Hoseok wasn't expecting this , Hoseok looked at Queen kim ,

' Go son ' Queen Kim said giving Hoseok a comforting smile ,

Hoseok looked at his lovers who also nodded , Hoseok nodded at them and took a deep breath ,

Hoseok stood up and went toward King Kim putting his hand ontop of King Kim's outstretched hand ,

' Don't worry , I will handle everything son ' King Kim said and then looked forward ,

' So this young man here is the special guest , his name is Jung Hoseok as you can tell he is from Prey kingdom by seeing his fluffy tail and ears but but but a much bigger secret I want to disclose infront of all of my people is that he is the fiance of you future kings ' King Kim said ,

' Kings ' Lot of people shouted ,

' Yes Kings , I have made a decision that alongside Jin ,
Jimin , Jungkook , Taehyung , Namjoon and Yoongi are also going to be the king , all of them are very skilled and intelligent , they have all the qualities that a good king should have ,our Kingdom is very big and I know our kingdom will flourish beautifully in their hands ' King Kim said ,

Literally no-one has ever imagined this coming , Jimin , Jungkook , Taehyung , Namjoon and Yoongi were stunned but Jin and Queen Kim were happy about King Kim's decision ,

' Their coronation will be held next  month and about their wedding date , it's their decision to make ' King Kim said ,

' That's all I have to say thank-you everyone ' King Kim said ,

' Long live the king ' Everyone shouted as they don't want to oppose their King who has always think about them before himself and made their life very easy , giving them everything before asking ,

' Long live the Queen ' Everyone shouted ,

' Long live our future kings '

' Long live Jung Hoseok '

They can't keep grudge towards someone who hasn't done anything to them and if their rulers trust him they can trust him too .


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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