Part 20

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When Jin , Namjoon , Yoongi , Taehyung , Jimin and Jungkook arrived at the room they saw the beautiful sight of Hoseok sleeping peacefully with moonlight falling on him through the opened window which was the only source of light in the dark room , Hoseok looked very peaceful and his features looked even softer under the moonlight ,

Jungkook quietly closed the door because he doesn't want to wake the sleeping beauty ,

All of them went toward the bed , they were guilty that they couldn't come earlier , Hoseok looked very happy when Jin told him that they would cuddle with him , they wanted to come earlier but Nayeon , Jeongyeon , Momo , Sana , Jihyo and Mina told them that they wanted a tour of the garden too ,

Jin , Namjoon , Yoongi , Taehyung , Jimin and Jungkook sighted and put up a fake smile and gave Nayeon , Jeongyeon , Momo , Sana , Jihyo and Mina a tour of their garden ,

' Hobi must be sad and it's your fault Jin hyung , I told you that we can show them the garden tomorrow ' Yoongi whispered crossing his hands ,

' Yes it's my fault but they are our friends and guest's and don't forget we ourselves have invited them here ' Jin whispered yelled ,

On the other hand Taehyung didn't want to hear their conversation , he just want to cuddle his Hobi after suffering for four years without him , Taehyung took off his shoes and layed beside Hoseok kissing his cheeks , without waking Hoseok Taehyung gently put Hoseok's face on his chest and then put his hands around Hoseok's waist , Taehyung sniffed Hoseok's hair which smelled like vanilla ,

Taehyung closed his eyes loving the warmth of Hoseok while others were glaring at Taehyung , Jungkook puffed his cheek's and quickly took off his shoes , Jungkook also layed down on the mattress hugging Hoseok's tail , Jungkook then put his arms around Hoseok's waist pinching Taehyung's arms making Taehyung grown ,

Taehyung opened his eyes and glared at Jungkook but Jungkook just stuck out his tongue , Taehyung glared at him for few minutes and then closed his eyes snuggling close to Hoseok , Jungkook also closed his eyes when other's joined them ,

All of them quickly drifted off to sleep because they were exhausted due to travelling ,

Hoseok opened his eyes looking at his lovers happy that they are back with him , Hoseok was woken up when he heard the noise of the door opening but he acted that he's asleep ,

Hoseok heard their conversation and thought how foolish he is to think they are more happy with Nayeon , Jeongyeon , Momo , Sana , Jihyo and Mina ,

Nobody can take his place ,
Hoseok nuzzled his nose with Taehyung and then kissed his lips , Hoseok buried his face in Taehyung's chest and then closed his eyes drifting off to sleep ,

Next day Jin was the first to wake up , he kissed sleeping Hoseok who was sandwiched by two buff predators , Jin smiled looking at Hoseok for few more minutes and then went to the bathroom to freshen up , after that he went to the kitchen to make pancakes for Hoseok as a token of apology ,

Soon after all of them wake up hugging and kissing the life out of Hoseok ,

' Eww go and brush your teeth first ' Hoseok said giggling ,

' Sorry baby ' All of them said putting their hands on their mouth and then going to their rooms to freshen up , Hoseok also went to the bathroom ,

When Hoseok came out of the bathroom , he saw Namjoon , Yoongi , Taehyung , Jimin and Jungkook sitting on the sofa waiting for him but noticed that one of his lovers is missing , now he remembered that he hasn't seen him since he woke up ,

' Where is Jinnie Hyung ' Hoseok asked ,

' I don't know Hobi , I haven't seen him since I wake up ' Namjoon said ,

' Same here ' All of the other said ,

' Don't worry about him , let's go and eat breakfast ' Yoongi said taking Hoseok's hand and then exited the room , other's following them ,

When they reached the dinning room , they saw King and Queen Kim already settled on their chairs ,

' Good morning Mother , Good morning Father ' Hoseok said smiling sitting beside Queen Kim ,

' Good morning son ' Both of them said smiling ,

Yoongi pulled the chair beside Hoseok to sit but before he could sit Jimin sat on that chair grinning ,

' You are slow as sloth Yoongi Hyung ' Jimin said laughing loudly ,

Yoongi face turned red with anger , he grabbed Jimin's ears and then twisted it ,

' Ow ow ow ow ' Jimin said trying to take Yoongi's hands off his ears ,

Yoongi pulled his hands away from Jimin's ears , now Jimin's ears turned red and everyone laughed at him ,

As if on que Jin came in the dinning room with maids carrying stacks of pancakes , the room installing filled with aroma of pancake ,

' Pancake ' Hoseok said smiling at Jin ,

Nayeon , Jeongyeon , Momo , Sana , Jihyo and Mina also arrived and sat on the chairs they sat yesterday ,

Maids put the pancakes on the table and started serving but Jin himself served the pancakes to Hoseok ,

' Sorry for yesterday baby ' Jin said kissing Hoseok's cheeks and then went to sit on his seat ,

Everyone started eating complementing Jin's cooking , Hoseok stuffed his mouth with pancake , his cheeks puffed out looking so cute , a cute squirrel ,

' Aww baby you look so cute ' Jimin said making everyone look at Hoseok ,

' Can I eat your bread cheeks ' Jimin said lightly biting Hoseok's cheek ,

Hoseok swallowed his food ,

' Chimmy hyung it hurts ' Hoseok said whining ,

Jimin let go off Hoseok ,

' Don't worry Hobi , I know how to make the pain go away ' Jimin said ,

' How ' Hoseok asked ,

Jimin leaned toward Hoseok and then gave a big lick on Hoseok's cheek making Hoseok red ,

Queen Kim laughed and then took a tissue paper wiping Jimin's saliva from Hoseok cheek which was red like tomato ,

' So cute ' Namjoon said ,

Seeing all this was making certain six individuals jealous , they were smiling but deep down they were very angry because Hoseok is taking their place , it should be them who should be next to them being loved not Hoseok , they are here for the sole purpose of being Jin , Namjoon , Yoongi , Taehyung , Jimin and Jungkook lover .

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