Part 1

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There are two kingdom , one is prey kingdom and other is predator Kingdom , as the name says , in prey kingdom only prey hybrids live and in predator Kingdom only predator hybrids live , both kingdom have been living apart from many centuries.

Both the kingdoms are rivals  , The king of prey kingdom says that the predator hybrids kills prey hybrids for food but who knows if they kill them or not , nobody have seen them killing anyone , but prey kingdom hybrids believe their king cause they can't get against him.

All the kings who have ruled prey kingdom were very cruel , they take half of the farmers crop as tax , the farmers have to work double , many families doesn't even get three time meal .

In a small village at prey kingdom which is near the border between two kingdoms lives a happy family consisting of three members , Mr and Mrs Jung with their six year old son Jung Hoseok who is a squirrel hybrid.

Mr Jung is also a farmer and Mrs Jung is a housewife , Hoseok is very unique because he has a bushy tail and ears like a squirrel even in his human form,  All the villagers adored Hoseok because he is very sweet and cute .

Hoseok parents does everything to make Hoseok happy , they feed him even if they have to starve , they can do anything for him .

Hoseok sometimes gets annoyed when people touch his tail because his tail is very sensitive , his mother always combs his tail and puts a bow at the end of the tail which makes him look really cute.

Hoseok is very shy , he gets scared easily , all the village kids are his friends , they never bully him , they always take a good care of him.

' Mommy today we are going to play hide and seek ' Hoseok said to his mother who is combing his tail

' OK Hobi but don't go into the woods , you can easily get lost ' His mother said putting a bow on his tail

' Don't worry mommy ' Hoseok said with a smile and kissed her cheek which made her smile

Then they heard a knock on the front door .

Mrs Jung went to open the door
' Ooh Jennie , you must be here for Hobi '  Mrs Jung said

' Yes aunty Jung , where is he ' She asked with a smile

' Hi Jennie noona  ' Hoseok said coming toward them

' Hi Hobi , let's go ' she said grabbing Hoseok's hand

' Bye Mommy ' Hoseok said waving at her, she waved back smiling and then closed the door

Hoseok and Jennie reached the playground which is near the woods after sometime , they saw all of there friends waiting.

' Hello Hobi ' They all said

' Hello Lisa noona , Rose noona , Jisoo noona , Jackson hyung , JB Hyung, Mark hyung , Jinyoung hyung, Youngjae hyung , BamBam hyung , and Yugyeom hyung 'Hoseok said waving at them

They played rock paper scissors to decide who was gonna count , so Bambam was the one to count .

He started counting while closing his eyes with his hands , all of them started finding places to hide , but wherever Hoseok goes he finds one of his friends already hiding there.

Bambam was almost over with his counting so Hoseok panicked and ran into the woods to find a hiding place.

When he stopped running he found himself at a very unfamiliar place , now he realized he had got lost , he started walking back to his friends , he got  scared but he didn't stopped walking , he tried to find his way , but where ever he goes he comes back to the same place.

While walking he tripped and fall , he hurt his knee , tears started forming in his eyes , then he started crying .

' Mommy ' Hoseok said while crying

He was crying very loudly , he  didn't even fell that someone was behind him , when that person put a hand on his shoulder he got scared.

He looked behind with tear filled eyes , he can't see his face clearly because of the tears

' Are you OK little one ' That person asked with concern .

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