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The sun rising, The birds are chirping, The river is dancing and also the wind

It was suppose to be a peaceful morning, but like what they said expect the unexpected.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook! Give me back my blanket!"

"Then give me back my timberland boots!"

"I told you for the who knows how many times, I don't know where the fuck did you put those nasty ass boots."

"Who knows? ust give it back to me and were done!"

"And again, I didn't take it! What about you use your eyes and brain to remember where you misplaced it!"

"If I misplaced it I should've remembered it right away!"

"Ugh Jeon! Thank you so much for ruining my goddamn morning!"

Jungkook smirked. "Your Welcome."

The bickering and yelling continue as the older ones were groaning at their sleep. Some were already awake, Thanks to the most worst alarm clock.

Jihyo couldn't handle it anymore as she stood up and grab her pillows going to the two youngest who's fighting without any period.

Unhesitating to throw the pillow at the two that cause for them to immediately shut up.

"Shut the fuck up you two! Its freaking early in the morning! Stop fighting!" Jihyo yelled back at them gathering her pillows and went back inside her cabin.

Tzuyu and Jungkook glared at each other after that and went to their own cabin.

'Oh geez, Thank the heavens.' Sana thought and fell asleep again.


"Okay campers! Gather up!" Mrs. Song called out. The fourteen campers groaned and lazily went out of their cabins to go to the two teachers.

"Its already four in the afternoon, And we thought about having a bonfire, And cook some soup and marshmallows.."

"Lemme guess, We needed to go around the woods to take some sticks and rocks?" Jimin ask, Mrs. Kang smiled and nodded.

"You're right, Mr. Park! I mean since this is a camp, Of course the campers need to do everything, And we'll guide you. Its okay if you don't want to team up but remember guys.. Don't go to far and be careful, We don't know what kind of wild animals could attack some of you." Mrs. Kang said

"To make sure, You need to be here in exact five. Then we'll arrange the sticks and rocks and cook the soup and mallows, Then tomorrow there's another activity."

The students just nodded and went away without the teacher's permission, They sighed and just watch the fourteen distant kids walk around to get some woods and rocks.

Tzuyu quietly walk to the woods, rolling her eyes and lazily grab some sticks, picking up some medium rocks Tzuyu lazily stood up and walk back to the tent when someone bump into her causing for the sticks and rocks to jump out of her grip.

Tzuyu grumbled and turn around to meet whoever it was only to get annoyed even more and turn her back again to pick up the sticks and rocks.

'This stupid asshole bunny didn't even apologized, Tsk.' Tzuyu thought, rolling her eyes.

As she was about to walk away, The person grip her elbow making her temper to reach its limits.

"What the hell do you want?!" Tzuyu ask, yelling a bit in annoyance. But instead of getting annoyed as her, Jungkook only smirked and walk past her.

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