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"Guess who's official now?"

Taehyung proudly announce the next day at lunch.

The gang widened their eyes and look at the couple in front of them, one is shy and one is proud.

"OMGG! You two are now official?" Nayeon ask, amazed

"Yup!" Taehyung answered

"When?" Chaeyoung ask

"Just yesterday." Sana shyly answered as the gang teased thrm both nonstop.

"You finally step out of the coward zone, Tae." Jimin chuckled, the brute smirked at the older male and gestured a particular girl at him.

"Yea just waiting for you.."

Jimin blushed and playfully hitted Taehyung's arms as the younger laugh.

"Jungkook also still haven't confess, Shut up."

"But me and Tzu are official tho?" Jungkook confusedly ask making the gang stop at what their doing and turned to the two youngest.

"What the fuck?" Jihyo blurted receiving a smack on the shoulder by Jin.

"When?" Mina ask, poking Tzuyu's side making her squirm and glare at the older.

"J-just yesterday as well." Tzuyu stuttered

"Ah! Is that the reason why me and Joonie spotted you two yesterday at the hallway?" Chaeyoung ask confused

"Ah you saw that?" Jungkook ask, chuckling looking at his girl, who was now glaring at him.

"Yea, We wanted to approach you but Mr. President don't want to." Chaeyoung made face to her boyfriend who shrugged and ruffles her hair.

"First is Namjoon and Chaeng, then Momoring and Hobi, Tae and Sana then Tzu and Kook?" Nayeon listed

The couples all nodded giggling.

"Wow. Y'all better take care of each other." Yoongi stated as the couples nodded

"Of course!"

"Our eyes are now set on you Chim." Jungkook and Taehyung whispered making Jimin nervously gulped and glance at the female across him who's busy teasing the youngest.

| yesterday.. 11:27 am|


I boredly look around this boring class and silently yawned before staring outside the window.

When will we finish this stupid History? I can't even hear her properly.

I sighed again and my face couldn't get even more happier after hearing the bell.

I quickly fix my things and went out of the classroom bot minding the teacher who's calling me to comeback.

I stretch my limbs and went to my locker bumping into Yeri who's making out with her boyfriend.

This girl.

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