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"Who's confessing to who?" Sana ask Chaeyoung for who knows how many times already, around that night.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and simply pointed Hoseok.

"Eh?! Hoseok?!" Sana exclaimed, Chaeyoung almost face palmed at her unnie's loud voice and nodded.

"Omo! Who's the lucky girl?" Sana ask, excitedly.

Chaeyoung look at Sana flatly before shrugging. "You'll know later."

Sana pouted at the younger's bluntness and just nodded, sighing.

They both stayed behind the hut that they have rented watching the others have a night swim, Well its still five in the evening anyways.

"Maybe after our dinner, that's what he said last night."

"How come, I didn't know about this?" Sana ask again, pouting.

"You were dead asleep, and actually Momo is not part of it." Chaeyoung shrug.

Sana gasped in realization, "Hoseok is going to confess to Momoring?!"

"Shh, and yes."

"Omo! I'm excited for the news if they ever got official!" Sana squealed

"Hey Sana! Let's take a picture!" Taehyung called out, waving to the girl.

Sana made a 'okay' sign and smiled at him, "I'll get going."

Chaeyoung nodded and watch her unnie ran to the alien as they both search for a perfect place to take some pictures.

"Who's gonna be official?" a deep voice from behind ask.

The girl flinch and look back seeing a topless Namjoon with a towel on his hand, probably to dry his hair.

"Hoseok's going to confess remember?" Chaeyoung ask, immediately looking away feeling awkward.

"Ah right. I do think Momo also liked our Hoseok tho."

Namjoon took a seat beside the girl and simply pointed at both Hoseok and Momo who's still swimming and playing around.

Chaeyoung nodded, seeing the happiness on both Hoseok and Momo's face. "Their also obvious."

"Can't you feel it?" Namjoon suddenly ask. Chaeyoung tilt her head and look at him in confusion her blond hair being blown by the wind.


"Can't you feel it?" Namjoon repeated.

"Feel what?"

"Something unusual?"

What Namjoon have been saying made Chaeyoung to get even more confused. The guy is so confusing right now.

"What? The only unusual thing is you seating beside me for the first time."

Namjoon chuckled and scoot a bit more closer to the female making their arms to touch. Chaeyoung's breath hitch feeling her breath getting suck out. Her heart beating so fast as if its in a race (a/n: goddamn i suck at this i'm sorry😭)

"Remember back at the camp?" Namjoon started again.

"W-what happened?"

"That time when we were both stargazing. You fell asleep because of our silence." Namjoon chuckled again.

Chaeyoung's face flush in embarrassment. "Sorry for that."

"No its okay.. You're cute anyways.." Namjoon smiled at her, Chaeyoung once again felt awkward as she look away, nervously gulping the forming saliva in her throat.

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