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"Since the treasure hunt couldn't be able to continue because of what happened the other day, Me and Mrs. Kang had thought about something that you kids could also enjoy." Mrs. Song said.

It was nine in the morning, just after an hour when they ate their breakfast, And Mrs. Song decided to gather them again for a new activity.

"Are we going to work by ourselves? That's the least thing that i'll enjoy." Yoongi lazily ask. Some glared at him and some agreed. The teachers shook their head smiling.

"You guys will go fishing!" Mrs. Song waited for the reaction or response but as usual.. No one responded. She glance at her co-teacher who also got awkward by the fourteen students blank stares.

"Uhm.. will none of you guys, gonna react?" Mrs. Kang ask once she cleared her throat.

"What do you expect for us to react?" Jin ask, rolling his eyes.

"At least show that you guys are excited." Mrs. Kang sighed, knowing the activity still won't work.

"Oh dang wow. So effin' excited." Taehyung lazily cheered, rolling his eyes too.

The teachers sighed and just gestured them to stand and follow them.

"You're going fishing so we have food for tonight. We realised that if we keep on buying some foods on the mart it will took us hours to get back, So to make it easy.. Why not try to catch some fish?" Mrs. Song said, smiling a bit.

"Besides.. who may know? This is only a once in a lifetime experience." Mrs. Kang added.

"Are we still going to team up?" Mina ask, quietly. But gladly the two teachers heard her.

"What did she say?" Sana ask, rather loudly. "Dunno.. didn't hear it." Tzuyu shrug. Mina rolled her eyes at the two.

"To answer you're question, Ms. Myoui, Yes you kids are going to team up, Still the same thing from yesterday." Mrs. Song reminded, they look at each other and rolled their eyes.

'This is getting worst and worst..' Nayeon thought.

Nayeon look around and lazily walk beside Jimin who's also not paying attention to the two teachers. All they heard was the teachers saying to be careful and go fishing.

"Wait.. how can we fish if there are no fishing rad?" Hoseok ask (A/N: Okay I forgot what is it called forgive me..)

"Then we'll use the sticks," Jin ask.. The teachers from a far was slightly smiling as the teenagers was slowly having a teamwork and communicating each other.

"How?" Momo ask, looking around. Since Jin was wearing a half pants he went to the river holding a stick, To teach the thirteen others how to catch a fish with a stick.

Jin demonstrated it to them and show the the fish that he catched.

The girls were in awe, While the guys nodded and immediately followed Jin to the river. The girls was about to step into the river when they were stop by Jin.

"Op! Only guys will do the work.. You girls should grab a basket to put the fishes on.. And prepare the cooking materials." Jin said. The girls were stunned but obliged anyway.

"Okay then.. Sana, Momo, Me, Tzuyu should take the baskets then Jihyo, Mina and Chaeyoung will prepare the cooking materials." Nayeon started.

The girls obliged as they went to do their task. As everyone was busy, they didn't realised that they are slowly getting along with each other. Talking, laughing, making fun of each other, As if they were good friends, The sight was like a dream for the two teachers as they smiled at the success of the fishing activity.

The boys were finally done from catching a lot of fishes, When I say a lot means a lot.. Hoseok, Taehyung, Jungkook and Namjoon help the four girls to carry the heavy baskets full of fishes, While Jin, Yoongi and Jimin help to carry the big rocks that they'll use in cooking.

While the group of guys were resting, The girls help each other from cleaning the fishes and cooking it. It took them an hour to cook the fishes as it was many but they decided to put the other fishes aside for tonight.

After they are done cooking they call their teachers and all of them started eating. After a few minutes of silence a ring of phone broke the silence.

"Excuse us.." the two teachers said and went inside to take their call. The teenagers was again left in silence as they ate.

"You know.. this camping is not bad after all.." Taehyung said breaking the silence. The others look at him and half of them agreed.

"Except the fact that we always have to wake up early.." Yoongi added, rolling his eyes. They chuckled at his remark.

"I've been thinking.." Namjoon stop and scanned their faces. They were all looking at him, looking forward to what he will gonna say. "That.. if we could start all over again?"

"What do you mean?" Mina ask, Namjoon breath.. "You guys know.. if we could all be friends?" They all look at each other and smiled, a genuine smile forming to their lips.

"I don't see any problem with that.." Jin immediately responded. They nodded and agreed.

"Yea.. I mean, Its just our childish selves that make it hard for us.." Momo chuckled.

"So.. friends?" Jungkook ask, looking at them.. "Friends!" Sana squealed, giggling.

Namjoon smiled when he saw everyone getting along pretty well, Everyone was now loud and talking not like the other past few days.. They were all distant, silent and only will speak when needed.

In the middle of them talking, The two teachers went out of the cabin and was surprise seeing all of them talking and laughing..

"Did you kids already make-up?" Mrs. Kang ask. The teenagers nodded, smiling at each other.

"We realised that it was just childish of us to not talk and mind each other, I mean all of us were humans, We may be different but that won't stop us to get along.. Right guys?" Namjoon ask, The teenagers nodded, smiling.

"Well that's a good news for our last night in camping."

"What do you mean last night?" Tzuyu ask, visibly confused.

"Oh about that, The principal called, Saying that we are needed in school and it might be a waste for you kids to not attend school in a whole week.. So we'll go back tomorrow." The fourteen cheered happily.

"Also these are your phones.." Mrs. Song gave them their phones.. They were even more happy as they held their phone.

"Oh my god!! My baby!" Nayeon exclaimed, happily embracing the object.

"Tomorrow at exact 10 in the morning the same bus that you kids rode to go here will come.." They nodded and continued eating.

"Oh, don't we have any other last activities?" the two teachers smile at Jimin's question.

"Well.. we suppose to have when we thought that, you guys could just use it to get to know each other.. Since all of you were getting along. Might as well take the chance" Mrs. Kang said,

They were finally done eating as they help each other in cleaning the place and washing the dishes. While teachers went inside their own cabin, The teenagers gathered outside to get to know each other more.

And they will not gonna doubt. Its worth it.

To Be Continued..

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