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"Okay class listen up!"

I jolted from my seat after hearing our teacher yell.. Well it seems like she was screaming, nothing new tho.

My ear drum are hurt.

"As so you know the principal and the board members had agreed on at least give you student a week of vacation."

Of course our class erupted with loud cheers. I mean who wouldn't like vacation?

"Listen up first folks!" We were silence again.

"Since you kids have studied really hard and mostly.. We feel bad for giving all of you a rush school year from last year's summer, So we're giving all of you a week off for a vacation.."

Such a cool school. Rold.

The bell rang indicating its lunch time, Mrs. Jang smiled at us.

"That's all and class dismiss." She walk out of our classroom and I immediately fix my things and went to the cafeteria.

It didn't took me long to notice Hoseok a bit far with Namjoon and Taehyung.

"Hey guys." I bluntly greeted. They look at me and greet me back.

"You've heard about the good news?" Hoseok opened up. "Of course!" Taehyung exclaimed

"For the first time in my whole life of studying here in Maxwell.. I'm starting to like this school, Too bad were on our last year of college." Namjoon shared, we nodded.

"I'm sure the girls will talk about the news already." Hoseok started again and pointed at a rushing Nayeon who obviously ran pass us and immediately seems to share something as she look really excited.

"Good Afternoon!" Taehyung cheerfully greeted.

"Good afternoon! Jin ordered our foods already with the muscle pig." Mina shared, We nodded again and took a seat at our usual table.

"Guys! Have you heard about the news?"

I felt my cheeks suddenly heat up after that one person suddenly showed up. Her cute gummy smile appearing. I almost couldn't breath as she look really beautiful.

"Of course Ji! Its all over the school!" Momo exclaimed chuckling.

"Well.. any plans?" Jihyo ask. Yes its Jihyo. The apple of my eye.

Okay heck this is not me, Seriously.

"Still have no plans but we'll see after both Jin and Jungkook come back." Jihyo nodded as she took a seat between Nayeon and Namjoon which make me suddenly feel irritated.

I don't know why.. I just don't like the idea of her beside Namjoon. aish.

Not too long both Jin and Jungkook came back with of course a little help from us as they were carrying a lot.

"Thank you for the food!" We all exclaimed.

To be honest. I'm really glad that all of us were fine now, I mean at least at a short amount of time we have been friends and now were hanging out like good old friends since middle school.

"So.. any plans?" Jin suddenly opened up.

"I have no idea." Sana answered, her bottom lips have some cream all over.

"Messy eater, tsk. tsk." Jimin tsked as he handed her a tissue. Sana smiled sheepishly and thanked Jimin.

"What about we go to a beach? You know for us to relax? Beach is a relaxing place tho." Mina suggested.

We all seems to like that idea as we choose that. And were planning to where should we go.

"Jeju?" Tzuyu suggested

"Maybe out of town?" Nayeon ask still thinking.


No one from us answered.

"Seems like all of us already went there." Hoseok said, as he drank his sprite.

"What about Okinawa Island?" I suggested, They all look at me as if they were frozen. And I suddenly feel conscious with their stare.

"That's a great idea!" Jihyo exclaimed and I felt my blood rushing to my cheeks again that made me look down to my food.

"I heard that place is really beautiful and the ratings are high. Should we?" Nayeon ask.

"I'm on!" we unexpectedly all say in sync. We all laugh and agreed on that place and when, where and what time should we meet at the airport.

"So.. how many rooms should we booked?" Jin ask us. Looking up from his phone he probably searched some hotel already.

"Maybe four big rooms?" Namjoon answered more like ask, "Two for girls, Another two for boys."

"Ooh! Roommates! I like the idea!" Chaeyoung squealed happily even smacking Jungkook's arms who's peacefully eating and now glaring at her.

"Sorry not really sorry.." Chaeyoung chuckled.

"Okay then, Its settled.. Hope we have a very successful trip." Namjoon wished.

"Hope that the next week is already here." Sana sighed

"Cheer up! Its Thursday, only a few days left." Hoseok said lifting up the mood.

"Ow man.. I have Math subject next." Taehyung whined,

"Same bro same." Jimin added, "Don't forget about me." - Nayeon

We finish our foods as we stood up to get ready for our next period.

Just hope I'll last long to this hell tho.

To Be Continued..

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