Chapter Six- Powerful Rage

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"Continue with your work"

Severus strode to the back of the classroom, glaring at any of his students who didn't have their heads down working. He approached Dawn who had slipped into the classroom through the door when she saw her brother coming towards her. She had found the courage to come and find Severus, she, unlike everyone else, had actually paid attention to the different rooms and corridors of Hogwarts of their tour, she knew where to find Severus if something went wrong. A lot of things had gone wrong.

"Dawn sweetie, was wrong?" Severus spoke in a whisper so that his class could only hear mumbles and not actually make out the words.

"A lot" Dawn replied, quieter than Severus. "Diana and Daniella are okay, but Dehlia got a headache and went to bed. Then Daphne raided the cupboards and found some of Headmaster Albus's lemon drop sweets, she ate them all and now she can't calm down. Donna isn't helping either, she's just encouraging Daph and laughing at her."

"What!" Severus said. "Is Dehlia alright?"

"Yes, she's says she'll be fine" replied Dawn.

"Where are Diana and Daniella?" Severus asked.

"I told them that maybe it wasn't a good idea for them to be in our quarters when Daphne and Donna are being like this. They're waiting in the Common Room." Dawn explained.

"Good, how hyper is Daphne?" Severus asked. Daphne often did this kind of thing, and Donna often joined in. He was used to Dehlia being there to help though, if not Diana would be the next resort but not in this situation.

"Very" said Dawn. Severus looked around at his class, wondering what to do.

"Okay, Dawn, I need you to be even braver and go and get Albus" Severus decided.

"I don't know how" she looked panicked.

"It's okay, I can get you there very easily. You don't need to panic" Severus said.

"Sir, I'm finished" Hermione's voice came over.

"What have I told you, Granger, stop raising your hand" Severus said. He beckoned for Dawn to follow him.

"Because of your magic ability, you should be able to do this" Severus explained, holding out his wand. "Take this, tap your forearm twice and think very strongly about where you want to go; you want to find the headmaster. Then you should appear next to him if he lets you in, he knows my wand type so he will most likely think it's me whos trying to get to him."

"Okay" Dawn took the wand from Severus's hand, she turned it over and over. "This is made of mother and father's wands" she realised. Severus nodded. "Wow."

"Focus" Severus smiled a little, but not enough for his class to see. Dawn tapped her forearm twice, she, like her sisters, had a very strong understanding of magic, Severus never knew how deep it went but he knew it was unnaturally powerful. Their mother and father had tried to figure out why their children had such rich magic, but they had died before they found out. Severus had found their notes and archived memories after their deaths, he had tried to discover why as well, but he could not so far. He had the same magic as the girls, but he had gone to Hogwarts and learnt how to conceal it and only use his wizard portion of magic, sometimes when he was angry, the rare part of magic would slip and overtake him, but he would calm himself and his mind would immediately go to his sisters. They had each other to help, and their personalities were connected to the peace of mother nature, they all knew that their magic was strong, but they did not understand just how strong Severus knew they were. Before a few days ago when they had come to Hogwarts, Severus had accidently let Albus into his mind and the old man had seen the one thing that was causing Severus to be anxious and quiet lately.

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