Chapter Eight- Dinner and Agree

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"Severus, girls, so glad you can join us." Albus stood up to greet Severus and his sisters as they entered the great hall. Only a few of the students had seen them, the rest were too busy talking to one another. "Come take a seat." The headmaster gestured to six seats next to each other, they were either side Dumbledore's head chair, Severus's seat was to the side of that. They all took a seat. Severus sending looks the headmaster's way to tell him that nothing was to be said about them. Professor McGonagall entered from the grand doors and walked up to the teacher's table, taking a seat next to Diana, who was sat on one of the outside chairs.

"Ah, Minerva" Albus exclaimed. "I would like you to meet my old friends, Dehlia, Diana, Daniela, Daphne, Dawn, Donna. They are staying at Hogwarts for a while. Girls, this is Professors Minerva McGonagall." Minerva smiled.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, I do hope you have a pleasant stay and that Albus isn't being too energetic. Do let me know if you need anything at all" the witch said.

"Ello Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor Snape, and these lovely ladies" Hagrid came carrying a plate of hog roast, his voice booming.

"Good evening, Rubeus" said Albus. "I was just about to introduce our guests to the students, if you would like to join us." Hagrid sat in his chair on one of the ends of the table. Albus stood up, only to get a sharp pull on his sleeve making him sit back down again.

"What are you doing!" Severus whispered sharply.

"It's rude not to introduce our guests Severus" said Albus. "Besides, people are already wondering what's going on."

"Albus I don't want them to know" Severus whispered.

"They won't Severus, please trust me" said Albus.

"You won't to know the reason why I don't trust people? Because every time I have, they had let me down, betrayed me, or died leaving me with huge responsibility that is so heavy I have turned out like this. That's why I don't trust people easily, Albus, my mother and father left me with my six younger sisters, and Lily, she left because of me, and now even more s happening because of me. I have to tell you, soon" Severus whispered. Albus looked deep into Severus's mind, finding the pain, betrayal, sadness, stress, guilt, almost immediately. The old man knew that the younger one had done something terrible, but because of a beautiful thing. Albus nodded, he stood up and stretched his arms wide in front of the students who had now found their seats. He shook the thoughts of Severus's pain out of his mind. Bellatrix Lestrange, the only one who ever could make Severus act differently.

"Good evening everyone. As you all know I do not usually give a welcome speech each night, but tonight is an important one. Some of you may have seen one or two of these stunning women around, now is the time that I assure you all that it is perfectly acceptable for them to be here. These ladies are my close friends from when I was younger, I think that if you get the pleasure of getting to know them, you will find that they are very kind, generous, people who are smart and talented as well as fun." Albus spoke. "You will treat them with respect and kindness, I look forward to introducing each and every one of you to them soon. They will be staying here for as long as is needed. If you have any questions please ask me at the end of dinner, enjoy  your evening and goodnight."

Albus sat down and chatter filled the hall, along with pointing. Severus acted like he did not know his sisters, his eyes were on something else. Malfoy was leaning over to the Gryffindor table where Potter was sitting with his little friends. They snuck glances up at the teacher's table, more precisely the girls who were eating their food while having conversations with the other professors and some students who had come over to introduce themselves. When Potter, Malfoy, Weasley, Granger, Crabbe, and Goyle, saw that their potion's master was watching them, they returned to their food. Severus could see that they did not believe a word of what Albus had just said.


"Come on Potter" Draco was saying as he leant over from his table in the great hall. "We both know something's not right."

"Just ignore him Harry" Hermione said.

"Shut it granger" Draco snapped.

"Hey!" Ron exclaimed. "Bloody hell Malfoy doesn't your father teach you anything about manners!"

"I could say the same about you, Weasel" Draco responded, looking at Ron's mouth that was stuffed full of potatoes.

"I don't give a damn about your assumptions, Malfoy, it'd none of your business and its none of mine!" said Harry. Draco knew that persuading Harry into finding out more about these girls was a bad idea. The blonde Slytherin seemed to have an eye for one of them, Harry didn't know how, they were only second year students!

"Listen Potter, I want to know, you want to know, I know that you can feel it. You touch your filthy scar when you can feel evil" said Draco.

"Okay Malfoy" said Harry. "What if I did? What then? What do you want to do about it?" Draco smiled.

"I want to find out more. You should have taken my hand in first year, as a team we can find out anything! Are you in or not?" Draco held out his hand. Harry looked and Ron who shrugged, then at Hermione who pursed her lips. Very slowly, Harry reached his hand out and locked it with Draco's.

"I'm in."


Hey peeps,

Just want to apologise for not updating earlier this week, I've been really busy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, drop a kind review. Please DO NOT curse in my reviews!!! I might be a little late updating for a while, but I'm still here, if you want to check out my other fanfic's please!!!

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