Chapter Nine- Tomorrow

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"Good night Dawn." Severus closed his sister's bedroom door quietly and walked down the corridor to his living room. All of his sibling's doors were closed, including Dehlia's. Severus lifted a small glass filled with a rich alcohol and began to sip it slowly, his eyes set on a spot of the carpet. His mind was somewhere else, it had been for a while, through the feast, then talking to Albus after the feast. Severus hadn't told the headmaster about anything he had promised the rising dark lord, he had blocked his mind from the old man who had tried to break through Severus's protective wall and then walked away, taking his sisters with him. The students didn't suspect anything to do with the girls and Severus as family, the potion's master knew that, but he did sense that something suspicious was going on with Malfoy and Potter, plus their little gang that they belonged to. As Severus sat in thought about what to do know, about what to do about Bellatrix, and about the black mark on his forearm that had once faded but now grew bolder and bolder by the day. He felt evil growing inside of him.

An hour or two had passed when a name popped into Severus's head. Lucius Malfoy. Severus's old friend. Snape had always been aware that Draco was going to have to go down that path as well, nowadays even Narcissa had trouble staying out of the darkness, and now that Bella was free... well that would be catastrophic. Severus knew that recently Lucius had been visiting Hogwarts, maybe he could talk to the blonde then. There was no more sound, only the rustles of duvets and pillows and then the soft putting down of the glass that Severus was drinking from. He went to bed at half elven.


"Potter! Weasley! Granger! What took you so long?"

"Hermione said that-"

"Don't start Ronald! I am only out of bed at this time past curfew because Harry insisted on coming and I didn't want him to get caught. But now that I think about it, caught by who? Everyone is in bed."

"It doesn't matter. Malfoy, I only agreed to this whole thing because I want to know about my scar, do what do you have to tell me?"

Harry, Hermione, and Ron stood whispering in a dark corridor halfway between the Slytherin and Gryffindor common room. Draco as there as well, wand lit like the other's. The blonde had come alone, Crabbe and Goyle were useless in the evening, it was half elven and all they wanted to do was sleep. Draco had told Harry to meet him there because it was the best time to discuss what they were going to do about their agreement at dinner. Harry wanted to know why he was feeling evil rise, especially when he made eye connect with Snape, and Draco wanted to know even more about what his father was doing, why his aunt was suddenly back from Azkaban, and why his mother seemed to talk about Snape a lot lately like she was scared.

"Those girls, one of them showed up in out potion's class today, and then they came to dinner this evening with Professor Snape, they have something to do with all of this!" Draco said. The trio exchanged glances.

"Actually Harry, Malfoy might have a point, everything he just said was true, plus, the women are obviously sisters, and they look very familiar, I just can't place it" Hermione admitted. "I'll do some research."

"One of you has a little bit of sense" Draco mocked.

"Oi, shut it Malfoy!" Ron exclaimed.

"Ron, be more quiet!" Harry whispered.

"Okay" Ron mumbled.

"So what do you want to do?" Harry asked Draco.

"Tomorrow, while Granger checks out her books, you and me, and Weasel I guess, should follow them after school, it'll be Tuesday, they can't stay locked up in the Slytherin common room for long." Draco explained.

"What do you mean Slytherin Common Room?"

"A few days ago, they were there, came from Snape's quarters" Draco explained.

"I'll research that as well" Hermione said.

"Follow them where?" Harry asked cautiously.

"You still got that invisibility cloak Potter?" Draco asked with sly smirk on his face. Harry exchanged glances with Ron and Hermione and then turned back to Draco. He nodded.

"You know what to do." Draco said. "After class tomorrow." The blonde turned, walking away into the darkness, back to the direction where the Slytherin common room was. As the trio returned back up to their common room, they stopped to talk for a minute before heading up into their rooms.

"Do you think that we can trust him Harry?" Hermione said.

"Trust Malfoy!" Ron exclaimed. "Never!"

"Ron's right, but there's something about him that's different, like this isn't just a game to him, like it would usually be." Harry said. "Hermione, tomorrow after school are you alright doing research?"

"Alright? Of course, I already have some books to check out!" Hermione said happily. Harry smiled as Ron rolled his eyes.

"Ron? You okay to tag along with me and Malfoy tomorrow?" Harry asked.

"I'm not letting that snake get you in even more trouble this year than last, Harry. Of course I'm coming" Ron said.

"Good, thanks, we can talk about this whole thing more at breakfast" Harry began to make his way up to his dormitory after Ron.

"Goodnight boys" Hermione called from where she was going up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Goodnight Hermione" Harry responded.

"Night Hermione" Ron called. It wasn't soon before they had to wake up again.


Thanks for reading! I love you all! If anyone is worried or wants to talk about the whole COVID thing, I'm always here, it will be over soon. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, please check out my other fanfics if you liked this one so far, I'll be updating every weekend :)

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