Soaking Wet

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"Make way! Make way!" Professor Dumbledore shouted as he forced his way past the students that were crowded by the huge doors that led out to the Hogwarts courtyard. Every single person was stood there, watching the scene unfold with wide eyes. As Albus rushed with the other professors to the front of the crowd, they had a front seat view.

The storm still raged on, over the hills there was lightning shooting down from the sky, and rain poured down everywhere. Dark clouds covered the sky, and the wind blew stronger than the most powerful spell.

As soon as Severus had shouted "That's no storm," Daphne immediately recognised that this was not a joke on her behalf anymore, she pulled her cloak tight around her and trudged as quickly as possible up the hill to the courtyard. She slipped over three times, when she reached her sisters and brother, all of them were absolutely soaked through. Severus looked petrified; he knew something wasn't right with that storm!

Dehlia ushered all her sisters towards the castle as they rushed inside the dry and safe.

"Girls, go on, hurry up" Dehlia ordered. She looked over her shoulder at Severus who was still stood wide-eyed facing the storm source over the hills. "Sev!" Severus turned around just as his sister grabs his wrist and pulled him back to the castle.

"Severus! Girls!" Albus said as he pulled the siblings inside the cramped hallway of students who were trying to get a good look at what was going on. The two great doors were pulled closed with a deep bang and the wind and rain could faintly be heard outside. Everyone fell silent as they saw the sight before them.

Their new Professor who seemed so kind and suitable, was stood there drenched head to toe, her hair bun sagging with the water, holding onto their old, stern professor's wrist. Severus was also drenched head to toe, his long dark hair dripped and drizzled down his chin to the ground, leaving a puddle by his feet like his sisters.

Diana looked absolutely furious! She was also drenched, her plait had stands of wet hair falling out of place, her fancy clothes were covered with rain, and she had makeup smeared everywhere. The mascara under her eyes made her look like she had been woken from a deep sleep only to long for more rest. In the long line of girls next to her, Daniella, for once, was not looking to find Draco in the crowd, only sad that she had to appear this way to the students. Her high ponytail drooped, and her yellow clothing looked for mustard and ugly. Dawn, she was shaking from the cold and the situation of standing in front of this many people. Her fridge stuck to her face from the wet and she felt smaller than ever. Donna lost all her humour and sarcasm, as well as her creative hair style that had been blown out by the wind, now she acted like the youngest as she stood there, her tears unrecognisable against the rain drops from her hair.

But the one who looked worse all of was Daphne. Her energy was gone, she shivered a lot. She had been hit with the worst of the weather, plus her clothes were covered with mud. Her ponytail had fallen out and her eyes darkened like her brother's usually were. For once, she was not excited to be here.


"What were you doing?" Albus asked the line of Snape's. He stood in front of the entire school, including students in that same crowded corridor. Dumbledore was pacing as he looked at the drenched adults before him. "What were you thinking? Severus! You're meant to be the responsible one, Dehlia you as well!" The man paused trying to think what to do.

"Albus, if I could just-" Severus began.

"No. You can speak after me Professor Snape" Albus said, this tone was very rare on him. Severus's eyes lowered and darkened the slightest bit as he became aware of the students who were watching their professor get told off, in silence.

"Albus, maybe it's best to do this somewhere with less of an audience" Professor McGonagall cut in. The headmaster sighed.

"I suppose you're right Minerva" he said. "Professor's, girls, follow me" Albus parted the crowd and the siblings walked in a long line behind their headmaster, Severus kept his head high and his face stern.

They were just about to turn the corner to a corridor away from the students when a fair voice broke out in the crowd.

"Headmaster! Wait!"

"Mr Malfoy, please quiet down!"

Draco ran forward through the crowd, pulling Harry, Hermione, and Ron with him. He came face to face with Dumbledore.

"Headmaster I need to tell you something" Draco said.

"And what would that be, Mr Malfoy?" Albus asked.

"Malfoy! What are you doing?" Ron whispered through clamped teeth.

"You're going to get us all into trouble" Harry whispered as well.

"No. Let him" said Hermione, quietly. "It's about time his stubborn head came into all of this."

"Listen up everyone!" Draco turned to face the crowd. "These people are not who they say they are!"

"Mr Malfoy, stop speaking immediately!" McGonagall ordered.

"They're not Dumbledore's friends! They're not even real witches! Neither is Snape!"

"Mr Malfoy!" Albus exclaimed.

"Malfoy!" Severus snapped loudly from behind. Whispers from the students turned into full on conversations, most shouting at Draco to carry on his announcement.

"That's not all of them! They're not just only sisters! Snape! He's-" Draco was cut off in mid-sentence. Everyone fell silent, their eyes came to rest on one thing. Severus, still soaking wet, was stood in front of his sisters and next to Albus, the whole school watched in horrified shock. Most thought it had been accidental magic, but they all knew that there was more to their potion's professor's magic than was known. Severus didn't blink as his focus on Draco and his furious temper forced his un-wizarding powers to become triggered. Malfoy was frozen, his whole-body stiff, paralyzed almost. Slowly, with a deadly glare, Severus moved his head to face Albus.

"That is no storm. That is Bellatrix Lestrange and Fenrir Greyback. That is the next step of the dark lord."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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